Something He Does That Annoys You

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Harry: Putting himself in danger.

Harry was was already enough of a danger magnet, but it really pissed you off when he willingly went looking for trouble.

Draco: Being mean.

There wasn't a day that went by that Draco didn't find someone or something to get mad at. It jumped on your nerves, but Draco didn't see the problem.

Ron: Eating with his mouth open.

It was so disgusting that it sometimes made you want to vomit. You could see everything.

Neville: Being passive

It wasn't that you wanted an aggressive man, but at times you felt as if Neville allowed people to take advantage of him.

Seamus: Wrestle with Dean.

It was the simple fact that every time they did wrestle and kid around, you were always around and were often the victim of some wrestle related injury despite the fact that you weren't wrestling

Blaise: Gossip

The man was worse than Lavender Brown, and that wasn't an exaggeration. Half the time, when Lavender was gossiping and she said she got it from a "reliable source," that's who she's talking about.

Theo: Homebody

Theo would stay inside all day if you let him, that's why you're always dragging home out of the house.

Oliver: Quidditch

Your boyfriend was absolutely obsessed with Quidditch and it often became the reason for a majority of your breakups.

Fred: Pranking you.

No matter if you have anything to do with it, Fred's antics always got you detention

George: Pensive

Despite how much you admired your boyfriend, he shouldn't be allowed to think alone because you already know he's going to do something that'll get you, him, and several others in detention.

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