Thing You "Borrow" From Him

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Harry: His tops

You love taking Harry's tops because they're so warm and comfortable, especially the ones he gets from Mrs. Weasley. He doesn't really mind because he says it looks a lot better on you.

Draco: Scarves

You loved Draco's scarves. It was mostly because they smelled like him, but also that they were bigger than yours.

Ron: Christmas jumpers

Ron was embarrassed to wear them, but You got plenty of wear out our the sweaters Mrs. Weasley made room for the holidays.

Neville: Tie

You absolutely adored the Gryffindor tie. Neville gave you all of his old ones and you'd put them on your bed, tied around the post, around your head as a headband, our around your ankle.

Seamus: Blankets

It took a while for Seamus to find out that you had been stealing blankets from his bed because the House Elves would replace them, but then they inquired about it to the Headmaster and then you had to come clean so Seamus wouldn't get in trouble. Then, he teased you about it for a while.

Blaise: Blazers

Blaise had a lot of blazers and you loved them, so instead of buying your own, you borrowed his. It was a perfect fit, too.

Theo: Books

You didn't like Hogwarts books and since Theo had a library at his manor, his father would send them to him in care packages and when Theo was done with them, he would loan it to you. Some of them, you couldn't read because of the "anti-mudblood" charms on them, which required a drop of the reader's blood, so Theo would read those to you.

Oliver: Quidditch jerseys

To be fair, you took them from Marcus, too. He didn't seem to mind as much as Marcus did, though. You liked having a little variety. Maybe you wanted to wear a Gryffindor jersey one day, maybe one day was a green sort if day, or maybe you wanted to show some house pride and wear your own jersey.

Fred: Music

You wanted to know what the hype was with this band that Fred loved so much. It was a phase that quickly died out, though, because you figured it was the hype of
even having a rock band as you didn't like them that much.

George: Pranking blueprints

You took the ones that could seriously cause harm to anyone. At times, the twins didn't think of all possible outcomes and you would hate the guilt and the Azkaban trip they would have if they accidentally killed someone.

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