You Make Up

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Hey babies! Sorry I've been away, but it was lack of internet. Now onto the story. This one will have no Harry or Theo because Harry's makeup is in The First I Love You preference and Theo's is in He Asks You Out.

Draco: "Miss (Y/L/N), there is another package here for you." You huffed as you sat in your desk chair. Ever since his parents saw how miserable he was with Pansy, they allowed him his freedom to love anyone he wanted to. You had gotten a job in a Muggle adoption agency and you had worked your way up fairly quickly. Now you had your own office with a nice view of London. "Send it back," you said into your intercom, turning back to the window, sighing as you looked over the city. It seemed like only yesterday when you came to the place, working as a secretary. It had been two years. Two years since Draco and Pansy betrayed you. Sure, you expected it from her, but never him. As you thought to yourself, you heard the door open. "Amanda, I told you no more packages. Return it to the sen-" She froze when she turned her chair to see him. Draco Malfoy, in all his superior pureblood arrogance, was standing in her office.

"I told her it was a gift from a family member." His face was a bright shade of pink, as well as he's here. "(Y/N)," he stated, brushing off his clothes. "I'm an idiot. A fool to think that what my parents thought was important still and their views of my future was the best for me. You'd think I learned the first time." You didn't laugh at his attempt at a joke. He saw that, making a noise and running a frazzled hand through his hair. "Look, (Y/N), I'm miserable without you. I miss you. I miss us." You raised an eyebrow. Draco Malfoy had gone soft. He took your silence as you ignoring him, running his hands through his hair once more, "Look, I'll just go. This is a lost cause. I'm just embarrassing myself and you." You knew he wasn't going to stop. Maybe today, but not completely. He wouldn't be Draco Malfoy if he just gave up. Smiling, you watched his back. "I'm free today for lunch," you whispered, watching as he turned sharply. "Meet me at the Leaky? Noon?" He nodded dumbly. "Good day, Mr. Malfoy," you said, turning in your seat, your back turned to him. "Good day, Miss (Y/L/N)." Of course you had a long way to go before Draco gained your trust, but you had to start somewhere.

Ron: You were sitting cross legged at the breakfast table when you heard you floo erupt. Being back in your apartment felt strange, as you had been used to being with Ron. It had been a month since the breakup and you couldn't deny that you were miserable. You loved Ronald and it broke your heart that he dismissed you in such a way when all you did was care for him. Dean had helped you through it, trying to convince you that Ron was just being dumb and once the severity of his mistake hit him, he would come crawling back to you. "Hey there, girly." You turned around, smiling widely at the new occupant in the home you shared with your friends. "Seamus!" It was quite the shock to you when Seamus decided to be a Healer for St. Mungo's, in the burn unit, ironically. "I hope you aren't here moping." You shook your head, wiping your mouth to make sure there was no food there. "I'm not going to guarantee that, but I'm not spilling any tears over it." He smiled, hugging you and planting a kiss on your temple. "What the hell?!" The two of you looked up at Dean's voice, making your way to the front door to see him shaking what looked to be a sleeping figure on your front step. "I warned you about feeding Mr. Fletcher, (Y/N)," he said, shaking the person harder. A groan came from the person that made your heart flutter. "Cone on, Dung. Pick yourself up," Seamus said. You shook your head as your pulse thudded in your ears. "That's no Mundungus Fletcher. That's Ronald Weasley," you said, making your way over to them, but Seamus grabbed your hand. "Are you sure you want this?" You nodded, Seamus nodding to Dean as they gave you some space. "We'll be in the kitchen." Smiling, you made your way over to the sleeping Weasley man on your front porch. "Ronnie?" He stirred slightly, opening his eyes. "Wow," he slurred. "I usually never get this far." He had been drinking again. "This far?" He nodded, still curled up. "I usually wake up before you speak. I guess my mind is taking pity on me today." You sighed, shaking your head. "Ronald, you're not dreaming. You're wide awake." He scoffed. "Nice try. What do you think I'm fucking stup-" You cut hip off by your hand firmly colliding with his face, the yelp he let out sending you in a fit of laughter as he rubbed his cheek. "Ow," he whispered, looking up at you. "Still believe you're dreaming?" He shook his head, staring at you. "Look, (Y/N)," You rolled your eyes. "Seven." He looked confused. "I am free at seven." His expression was dazed as he blinked a few times. Petting his head, you made your way inside and closed the door.

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