He Wants You To Meet His Friends

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Harry: "No." Harry pouted at he looked at you, glaring when you raised an eyebrow at him. "Come on! They think I'm sneaking off to meet a girl." Rolling your eyes, you looked out the window. "You are sneaking off to meet a girl, Potter." He crossed his arms. "You know what I meant, (Y/N)." He let out a ragged sigh. "And could you stop calling me Potter?! My name is Harry!" His anger quickly fizzled as you smacked him upside the head before placing your hand over his mouth. "Calm down, you twit! Did you forget that it happens to be two in the morning and far past curfew?! If Filch catches us and I get detention with McGonagall, I'm going to strangle you, Harry Potter. Now I will meet your stupid friends if you just be quiet," you whispered harshly as he nodded, clutching his head. "Now let's go. You alerted that mangy cat and I figure it's halfway to Filch." Ignoring the self-satisfied smile he plastered on, you walked out of the classroom, him close on your heels.

Draco: It wasn't often when one would see a Malfoy plead. At least that's what he told you, you didn't care. He was on his knees and holding onto your middle so tightly, you thought he would crush you. No one was around, so he could be Draco. Around others, he was Heir Malfoy. Cold, heartless, mean, and ruthless. Alone, he was just a scared boy with the weight of the world on his shoulders. "Its just Blaise and Theo. Pansy won't be around, (Y/N)." You looked unsure. It was a risk for you to even be talking to Draco since the majority of the female population in the school was afraid of Pansy. Except this one girl. She didn't seem to be afraid of anyone. You barely saw her because she was always sneaking out and in detention. She was always with the girl they called Loony. Another squeeze brought you out of your thoughts. "If I agree to meet your friends, will you stop suffocating me?" He quickly let you go and you let out a deep breath. A large smile was plastered on his face as he picked you up and twirled you around. "You're welcome," you said when he put you on your feet. He smiled once more, allowing you to sit back down and he went back to his Charms essay.

Ron: Why did he have to be so adorable? He just stared at you after asking his question. He wanted you to meet his friends. Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. Sure you were in the same house, but you didn't know them. The closest you had ever come to meeting either of them was being paired in a project or something and you barely spoke. "I don't know, Ron. I mean, those are your friends and you guys seem to be pretty comfortable. I don't want to intrude. He shook his head, ginger locks falling into his eyes. "You're not intruding at all. They're actually excited to meet you." He poked his bottom lip out, blue eyes shining. Sure he looked like a giant fish, but he was cute. "Yes." He stood still for a second before realizing that you had even said anything. "Wait yes?" You nodded. "Yes." Smiling lazily, he stood, brushing off his shirt. "Alrighty then," he said, mimicking your accent, which always got him a tug on the ear, this time not being any different.

Neville: "Are you sure your friends will even like me, Neville? I have been taking away a lot of their time with you." You walked from Herbology with Neville, carrying your bag over your shoulder. He smiled, something you noticed he did more often. "They would love to meet you. I mean, they don't even believe you exist, honestly." You looked up at him, seeing that he was blushing brightly. "Why would they believe that?" He shoved his hands in his pocket. "Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but you're a bit of an introvert. You never leave your common room, and when you do, you're always hiding somewhere. You don't even eat with everyone. You go to the kitchens. They think I'm making you up." You frowned. You didn't want Neville's friends to think that he was crazy. "I'll do it." He turned sharply to look at you. "Really? You'll actually do it? I don't want you doing this because of them. You don't have to I it makes you uncomfortable." You held a determined look on your face as you shook your head. "I want to meet your friends, Neville." Nodding, he grabbed your hand, pulling you behind him.

Blaise: "Meet your friends?! Why would I want to do that?!" You ignored Madame Pince shushing you, suppressing the urge to give that lonely bat a piece of your mind. "It's just Drake and you know him. Think of it as a reintroduction." You rolled your eyes. Sure you had been friends with Draco as a child. That was, until he called you a half-blood freak in front of everyone and basically began what was years of bullying by the pureblood scions. Except Theo. Theo was you and Blaise's only mutual friend. Sure, Theo had their respect, but he also understood you. He had been in your shoes and he coached you through their torment when you were children. "I'm sorry, Blaise, but no. I can't." You didn't give him time to think, let alone say anything as you gathered your things and left, slamming the Library door at you went.

Seamus: "Come on, (Y/N). They're really nice, I promise." You glared at him. You still weren't talking to him after he managed to spill shrinking potion on your arm. It was just now healing thanks to Madame Pomfrey. "You and your friends are the leading cause to a majority of my injuries here. It's already bad enough that I happen to have the grace and elegance if a newborn baby deer, but adding you and your friends to the mix has earned me my own personal bed in the Hospital Wing." He huffed, grabbing onto your healed arm and clinging onto it. "Fine. Then I hope you have fun helping me figure out the riddle to your common room because I'm not letting go until you say yes." You saw a few Ravens who were definitely eavesdropping look up and give you the "don't you dare," look. You realized that you would have to take one for the team. "Fine, I will meet your friends." He let go with a smug grin on his face. "I knew you would. No one can say no to a Finnegan." You smiled falsely, glaring at your housemates as he left.

Theo: He just blurted it out kind of. Well, not so much as blurted, but you definitely weren't looking for him to say it. You and Theo were deciding to take it slow and start off as friends to see if you honestly even liked each other. "Hogsmeade?" He nodded as he seemed to be looking down at his book, but you knew better by now. He was looking right at you. "I mean sure they're a bit much at times, but they don't mind Ravens, so they won't be so mean to you. It's just Blaise and Drake, no one else will be there." You were silent at first, which was how you heard him mumble, "I knew it. Who am I kidding?" You knew about Theo's past, his desire to be nothing like his father, and how low his self-esteem was. "Alright." He looked at you with an uneasy expression. "You'll go? To Hogsmeade?" You nodded smiling. "To Hogsmeade. With Theo. Meet friends." He laughed at your fake caveman voice, relaxing and going back to his book.

Oliver: You had been ignoring him for a good half hour after he started talking about Quidditch. Oliver was obsessed with Quidditch and you wanted to bash your head against the wall. He was almost as bad as Marcus! "Are you even listening?" You looked up at his screeching. "Of course. You said something about Quidditch." He smiled, excitement dancing in his eyes. "So you agree?" You nodded. He smiled, rising to his feet. "Good. I'll see you Friday, then." You sat up. "Wait, what?" He rolled his eyes. "For you to meet the lads, of course." You smiled falsely as he gathered his bags and sprinted off. "Damnit," you said when he was finally out of earshot.

Fred: You ignored Fred as you walked through the library, putting your books away. "How many times am I going to tell you I'm sorry? I forgot which one the potion was in." You had spent the past half hour blurting out random things in Potions of all places and now, you, Fred, George, and a boy named Lee all had detention. You had barely even spoken to him after the Yule Ball incident, but the two of you were at least on speaking terms and he had to do that. He claimed the potion was intended for Lee, but it got mixed up somehow. "But I'm glad you do have detention, actually." You looked up. "Why is that?" He smiled, leaning on the bookshelf. "I can stop hiding you away and show the world the girl that is taking up all of the Gryffindor Stallion's time." You rolled your eyes. "More like the Gryffindor's Carrot Top." He looked confused, but continued. "It's the perfect opportunity because no matter how mad you are at me, you can't say no because you have detention." Groaning, you watched as he eyed a first year, patting you on the shoulder. "Hey kid. Want to try some candy?" The boy saw Fred advancing and screamed, "I NEED AN ADULT!" That itself sent you into a fit of laughter.

George: It was summer and you were sitting in Diagon Alley when a shadow crossed over you. You looked up with a frown, but that was quickly wiped when you saw George Weasley in all of his Ginger radiance. "Hello there, (Y/N). I didn't know you would be here today." You looked up. "I told you I would be starting work at the orphanage today." He looked around. "It's that day already? I thought it was a good two or three days before it opened. Want to come to my house for dinner?" Your eyes widened as you looked at him. "I'm having friends over and I thought you could use more friends. Did you know there are a lot of people in our house that you don't even know?" You shrugged. You weren't the most sociable person and you were comfortable with that. Sure everyone knew of you, but no one really knew you. They only knew you as Lee Jordan's best girl mate. "Lee will be there." You didn't miss the slight change in his voice when he said it, but didn't comment on it. Nodding and not trusting your voice, you watched as a smile spread across his face. "Alright, I'll be outside your job to pick you up when the shop closes." With that, he disappeared into the crowd, leaving you smiling. "Boyfriend?" You jumped, turning to see the hostess holding her menu. "I wish," you said as you ordered your food.

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