He's Had A Bad Day

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Harry: The door slamming was the first sign that you had a very angry Harry Potter on your hands. You were feeding Teddy some mashed pears, and he'd gotten more on himself and you than in his mouth. You picked him up, balancing him on your hip as you walked into the living room, where Harry was standing in the middle if the floor, running his hands through his hair. He didn't even notice the two of you come in or you magically send his things up the stairs before cleaning Teddy. "Bad day?" He jumped, placing his hand on his chest. "You gave me a fright," he said, reaching down for his bags. "Poor, poor Potter," you said. "Potty! Potty!" You laughed loudly as Teddy repeated something he heard from Draco, watching Harry flush with anger, sputtering wildly. It wasn't helping, but it took his mind off of work.

Draco: Draco had many bad days following his release from Azkaban, but when he was having an exceptionally bad day, he laid his head in your lap, allowing you to run your hands through his hair and assure him that everything would be alright.

Ron: "Stupid Malfoy," you heard as you played exploding snap, watching as Harry, Ron, and Hermione came into the Gryffindor common room. There wasn't a day that went by that Ron wasn't badmouthing Draco Malfoy, and there was hardly a day when it wasn't vice versa. If you weren't absolutely sure Ron was a heterosexual, you would have been worried. Handing over your hand to an underclassman, you found him sitting alone. "Alright there, Ging?" He looked up at you and sighed. "Its that stupid tosser, Malfoy." You sat next to him. Malfoy had a bad habit of calling Ron poor and telling him that you would leave him once you realized just how poor he was. You constantly told him you didn't care how much money he did or didn't have, but he let Draco get to him. He didn't say anything, but you didn't let that deter you. You scooted close to him and he sighed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and resting his chin atop your head. "It'll be okay, Ronnie," you said, leaning up and kissing him on the cheek.

Seamus: You were just coming home from work when you entered your cabin to see Seamus laying on the couch, an issue of Witch Weekly covering his face. It had to have been a bad day if Seamus was coming into your cabin on a weekday. He usually only came on weekends, making floo calls on weekdays. You made your way over to where he was laying, noticing his chest rising and falling. You grabbed the magazine, pulling it off to see him staring right at you. "Hello there, Mr. Finnegan," you said, planting a kiss on his cheek. He smiled, sitting up and pulling you onto his lap. "Bad day?" He nodded, squeezing you slightly. Laying your head on his shoulder, you took a deep breath. "Tell me about it." With that, he went into detail about the entire day while you listened.

Neville: Having Neville's head in your lap as you ran your fingers across his face was a common occurrence when you were both teachers. He was very upset because one of the Slytherin students had been pretending to be dumb all year and he knew she had the brains to do anything she wanted to do. You didn't say anything, didn't make any suggestions. Just sat there and listened to his rant.

Blaise: "Come on, Love!" You rushed to catch up with Blaise as he walked through the park, his hands in his pockets. "Wait up, will you?! I can't keep up with you and your freakishly long legs," you shouted, finally catching him when he slowed to a moderate pace. He and Draco had a row and it was the talk of the town. You didn't know what it was for and you doubted even they knew what it was for. You chalked it up to them being around each other absolutely all the time recently and the proximity was beginning to be a bit much for them, but Blaise didn't agree. So instead of being all broody all day, Blaise learned to get rid of his aggression by taking walks in the park that were evidently mandatory for you to attend now. Grabbing a hold of his hand, you laid your head on his arm. You felt him relax against you, his hands tightening around yours. "What would I do without you?" You smiled. "Probably die, just saying." He chuckled, bumping you with his shoulder.

Theo: He hasn't spoken since he got home, but you knew what was wrong. A patient died at the hospital, your friend, Hermione Granger, called and told you. She was very upset about it, actually, ranting about the injustice of it all. The man died because he "didn't want some Death Eater scum working on him," which sent the young muggleborn into a rage, demanding that the man's death be ruled a suicide and that Theo sue St. Mungo's for everything they had and then some for barring him from a patient he could have saved. She was threatening to go to the press with the story as well, but you talked her out of it. Usually, you would give Theo his space, but you wanted, no, you needed Theo to know that he had done nothing wrong, that they were unprofessional to allow that man to die.

Making your way across the bedroom, you climbed onto your bed and sat next to him, laying your head on his shoulders. "I could have saved that man, he whispered, looking down at his hands. "Hey," you said, turning his face towards you. "Its not your fault that he couldn't move past his prejudice, Theo. Some people just can't, alright? Sometimes the hurt is too deep. That man didn't know you. If he did, he would have known that you would never hurt a fly unless you had to do so, and that you would have put every effort you had into saving his life." He sighed, leaning his head into yours and smiling. "You always find a way to make me feel better, when when I'm having my darkest days and I feel like taking jabs at myself, you're always there to pull me back. How do you do that?" You smiled. "You deserve happiness, Theo, and if I'm the only one who is willing to stand up to the plate and give you that, then hell, I don't mind at all," you said, kissing him on the cheek, feeling him smiling against your skin.

Fred: Something was wrong with Fred. Sure, he hasn't actually said that anything was wrong, but you knew. There hadn't been a single threat to send him to detention that day and there hadn't been any explosions caused by anyone but Seamus Finnegan. Something was wrong. You stood from your seat, heading out to find your boyfriend.

You found him standing by the Black Lake alone, just staring. There was no George, no Lee, just Fred. Coming up behind him, you looked over his shoulder to see a frown on his face. "Freddy?" He looked up at you and smiled slightly, but he wasn't fooling you. "What's wrong?" He sighed, looking down at his feet. "Do you think I'm nothing more than a goof of? I mean, I never thought of it, but today, I heard someone say it and I never thought of what others thought of me before, but it stung a little." You smiled. "You're brilliant, Freddy. Never change." His smile seemed more genuine then as he planted a kiss on your cheek.

George: There were many bad days for George after the war. Some days could be improved with a hug and a nice glass of fire whiskey, others just had to run their course.

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