What You Do When Youre Mad At Him

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Harry: Hit him or be really mean

Well, more hit At him. Harry found that you are rather violent. Sadly, his seeker reflexes were good and he was able to either dodge or block a hit you were throwing at him. That, or you basically become the spawn o Satan. He sent you a teddy bear once and you returned it with the head ripped off.

Draco: Cold Shoulder

Giving him the cold shoulder is the ultimate way for Draco to realize that he's done something wrong. He'll try to cheer you up by buying you gifts and all, but it never works.

Ron: Yelling

Ronald makes you so mad, sometimes. He's so unintentionally attractive and connected that girls always find it cute flirt with him with dishonest intentions and that dunderhead doesn't even know the difference!

Neville: Cry

Sometimes, a good cry is a good thing, but not this crying. Neville never does anything to hurt anyone and you are usually happy and cheerful, so if he does something and makes you angry, its a really scary cry. Most of the time, you're angry because he allows people to take advantage of him.

Seamus: Swearing

You couldn't possibly count the amount of times you've cursed Seamus out about doing something stupid with Dean. It's like he did it on purpose!

Blaise: Silent treatment

Oh does this make him crumble. Blaise is no stranger to angering you. You realized early on that he got a kick out of you yelling, so you started giving him the silent treatment.

Theo: Avoidance

Theo hated for you to avoid him. Period. The two of you were already in different houses and he didn't see you half the time, and for you to purposely avoid him makes him nearly go crazy and he acts extremely out of character.

Oliver: No contact.

Much to your brother's enjoyment, you cut off all ties with Oliver when you were angry with him. It wasn't you being childish, just you rarely got angry and when you did, it was nothing pretty and you preferred to be alone.

Fred: Revenge

Fred hated when he went too far with a prank because he knew you would come back with a prank on him just as bad or even more severe.

George: Ignore him

Ignoring George is probably the worst thing you could do to him because he turns into a giant mush puddle.

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