First Kiss

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Harry: "I hate you, Harry Potter!" You were red at the face as the entirety of the Potions classroom room seemed to jump away from the two of you. "Well get in line, sweetheart, because it's going to be a long time before you can do anything about it!" People had been avoiding and trying to prevent you and Harry from being in the same room as each other all week, as you two were having a row that wasn't being settled. "You are so impossible! All I asked you to do was dump the ingredients in the cauldron." He balled his fists. "And I said you can do it yourself. Your hands aren't broken! Stop being so lazy and wanting Mommy to hold your hand all the time." You knew he regretted it as soon as he said it. You were about to slug him, but he saw coming, grabbing your hand. That was when you slapped him with your free hand. People gasped as his head flew to the side. You had never hit Harry to hurt him. He started to say something when you turned and stormed out of the room.

"(Y/N) wait a second." You ignored him as you felt tears prickling in your eyes, running and trying to find a hiding place. Here you were, reduced tears because he mentioned something that you told him in confidence. No one knew your mother walked out on you, it was none of their business, but you told Harry. You didn't know why, but you did. Then, he throws it in your face. You didn't know where you were, but you were at a dead end and he was right behind you.

Your search for an exit was futile and he found you. When he got close enough, you took off your shoe and threw it at him, but with his seeker reflexes, he was able to dodge it. You fumbled with your other shoe and he took that opening to approach you, wrapping his arms around you, more to keep you from hitting him again than actually hugging you. You tried to wiggle free to wipe your tears, but he wasn't going to let you, using his free hand and sweeping his thumb over your cheek. It was silent for a second and then he just went for it. His lips connected with yours and you kissed. They were soft and warm, something that made you feel warm inside. His hand went back to your waist as he ran his tongue across your bottom lip. You opened up, feeling your back touch the wall. Your hands went to his hair as he picked you up with relative ease. Then, you realized what was happening and pulled your mouth away from his. "What are we doing?" He separated quickly. "Oh my god, (Y/N)! I didn't mean to attack you like that! I swear I've never done that to anyone before. I wouldn't blame you if you went to Dumbledore and told him I was some kid of perverted freak. I don't know what came-" You cut him off by kissing him on the cheek, turning and leaving him standing in a stupor.

Draco: You didn't know why, but you let her words get to you. You knew Pansy would do anything in her power to make you miserable, no matter how low she had to stoop. Now you were sitting there, crying alone in the Astronomy tower, and feeling horrible. Pansy's words bounced around your mind. You're pathetic and ugly. Maybe that's why your parents gave you away to Muggles. So they wouldn't have to look at your disgusting face. They probably knew you were going to be a failure, too. I say they dodged the bullet. When she said that, everyone looked at you with disgust. If there was anything more shameful than being a Muggle or a muggleborn, it was a pureblood that was raised to act like  a Muggle. "Need some alone time?" You didn't look up at Draco's voice that time, deciding to keep facing away from him. You knew your eyes were brimmed with red and the tear stains were definitely there. You nodded, not trusting your voice.

You didn't feel him come closer to you, but he was next to you in seconds and before you could turn away. "Whats wrong, (Y/N)? Is it your mum? Is she okay?" A smile graces your features when you thought about your mother, your beautiful mother. Your father gave you to Muggles because he didn't want to have the shame of only bearing a daughter, so all of the shame was put on your mother for her inability to bear children. The Muggles he left you with were just horrible. She was forbidden from finding you, but when he died, the secret was out and she could search as freely as she wanted to. Recently, your mother was diagnosed with a severe malady and she was confined to St. Mungo's. Shaking your head, you wiped your eyes. "It's stupid, don't worry about it." He nodded, looking out at Hogwarts, a comfortable silence settling between the two of you.

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