Caught Pt 1 (Harry, Draco, and Ron,)

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I'm so annoyed right now. I'd promised, or at least​ really hoped that this would be up a few days ago, but I had to have my phone replaced because evidently, my provider gave me a defective one and EVERYTHING is gone. I'd made it all the way to Oliver and now it's gone. Also, I missed you guys. The animation is by alessiajontrunfio on Tumblr, so if you like it, you should check her out. This may be a little cryigy but I decided that I would try my hand at it and see how you guys liked it.

Harry: "We have fifteen minutes," you said breathlessly before you were lifted off of the floor and his warm lips covered yours. There was only one thing on your mind right now, and it was a lanky, green eyed boy with crooked spectacles and the jagged lightning scar that made him stand out like a sore thumb in all of Britain. And that hair! Oh Merlin, that hair. He was like a drug, he was so addicting.  "I like it when you're this way," he whispered in your ear, trailing open mouthed kisses down your neck. Harry had been all summer at the Burrow doing Merlin knows what, no letter, no phone call, nothing, and as much as you hated to admit it, you missed the bastard.

He more than likely knew your thoughts were wandering because he began to suckle on a spot behind your ear that caused you to gasp. "Focus," he whispered in your ear, the stern tone he was using sending heat pooling at the pit of your stomach as you pupils visibly dilated. This was a Harry Potter that you liked. This was a Harry Potter that took control and took what he wanted. You fumbled with the buttons on his shirt as he dug his fingers in your sides under your shirt. After a while, you got frustrated, grabbing the shirt and yanking it apart, buttons flying across the room as he hiked your skirt up you hips. Stepping back, he admired the view for a second. Hair messy enough to rival the bird's net atop his own head, lips swollen, chest heaving up and down as you stared at him like you could pounce at any minute.

"Come here," he said, crooking his index finger towards you, a serious expression on his face. In a matter of seconds, you were directly in front of him, head nearly bumping his chin as you nearly fell over yourself. He wrapped his arms around your waist to steady you, all the while using his free hand to explore your backside. You knew you were a bit flushed, but to be honest, so was he. He descended on your lips, kissing you like a man starved of affection. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to fuck you(OOOO, CUSS WORD)," he said as he lifted you once again, pinning your body to the door of the broom closet you two were currently holed up in, supposed to be doing rounds.

"By all means, don't stop on my account." The two of you stopped at the drawling voice on the other side of the door. You covered Harry's mouth as he nearly screamed. "If we be quiet, he'll go away," You whispered. "I guarantee that is not true. Imagine my surprise when I'm patrolling the halls of the beautiful spectacle we call our home away from home every year and I stumble upon two prefects engaging in such frivolous behavior," they said. Letting out a rugged sigh, You dropped down to your feet with a soft thud, grabbing Harry by the front of his shirt and giving him a firm kiss on his lips, feeling his slight chuckle before you grabbed your wand from the table, opening the door and shooting of the first in a string of curses Draco Malfoy was going to catch for his "sudden" appearance.

Draco: "Oh Merlin, Draco, Don't stop," you gasped as the blond Adonis continued to show you just how "delicious" you were. You looked down into his pewter eyes as he devoured you like a man having his last meal. He was so talented that you  were beginning to forget your own name. Before you could stop yourself, you gripped his hair in your fists, muffling the moan that threatened to bubble out. You were supposed to come over to help Draco with his Arithmancy, as he said that he had been having issues. As it turned out, that was just a lie he made up to get you to his house. Somewhere between him showing you the grounds of Malfoy Manor and the two of you coming up to his wing to study the Arithmancy book you got from the library, you ended up in Draco Malfoy's bed.

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