He's Your Twin Brother

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Harry: You were so close to snatching the frying pan away from over your brother's hand and cracking that fat bastard over the head with it, but Harry stopped you. The Dursleys treated Harry horribly, but they didn't treat you that way. You guessed it was something in you, but you would always protect Harry from severe punishments when you were children, more than once threatening to cause physical harm to Dudley if your aunt and her husband dared hurt your brother. You figured it was that Harry was more of the passive twin. Either way, he was being treated unfairly and you were very close to calling Child Protective Services yourself. The signs if neglect were clear on his body. It didn't seem to matter. No natter how much food you would sneak him, Harry was not gaining weight properly. Happily, the two if you were going to Hogwarts for the first time and you could fatten him up and they could happy to be rid of the both if you.

You grabbed Harry by the scruff of his neck, yanking him down on the seat next to you, looking Vernon in the eye as you gave him your food, draping your arm over the back of his chair and daring him to say anything. Once Harry finished, you looked at the clock. "Would you look at the time. We have a train to catch, don't we, Harry?" Harry nodded, your cat, Septimus, hopping on your shoulder as you stood from your seat, waiting on him to follow you. "Clean this up, Fatty," you said, tossing the plate at Dudley's chest.

Draco: "Narcissa, the child may as well be a blood traitor!" You heard a loud smack echo through the house. Your parents were fighting about you again. "How dare you, Lucius?! Now I admit that maybe she doesn't follow our ideals, but our daughter will not be disrespected as long as you are her father! You know how hard it is for her to make friends and I'll be damned if-" "You know, eavesdropping is rude." You jumped away from the door at the voice, eyes wide to see Draco standing in the doorway.

He smiled slightly, entering your room. "Father's right, you know. You are a blood traitor." You felt tears welling up in your eyes. Lucius was mad at you because you made friends with Ronald Weasley, a poor pure blood boy who lived in Devon. In your defense, you had no idea that he was a Weasley, as you had never actually met one, only heard your father talk about how they were poor, shameful, and didn't deserve to call themselves purebloods. "Hey, don't be all sad now. You're our blood traitor. No matter what, you'll always be my sister, and. I know father doesn't say it much, but he loves you, too. He just doesn't understand how you'd end up like that." You knew Draco was trying to comfort you in his own way, and strangely, it was working.

Ron: You were sitting in your room reading when suddenly, someone crashed into your room. You expected it to be Fred or George, but it was Ron, your other sibling that was often unwelcome in your space. You and Ron weren't like Fred and George, always smiling and hanging around each other. In fact, if no one knew you two were twins, they'd assumed that you hated each other. Half the time, you were either fighting or avoiding each other like the plague, which was easy because you were always in your room doing homework in the massive summer packet that you brought home. You were happy to be a female Weasley because you didn't have to share a room with anyone. Sure, when you had company, you had to share, but half the time, it was Ginny who had to share a room with someone. He was smacking on something or other, talking with a mouth full of food. "Close," you ordered, watching as he shut his mouth. "Chew and swallow, then you talk." He rolled his eyes, but did as he was told before speaking.

"Mum told me to come tell you that you need to have your bags ready for your portkey in the morning because you're going to school early for some reason." You smiled to yourself, knowing exactly what she meant. You were surprising Ron this year because Hogwarts was holding a Tri-Wizard Tournament and your school, Beauxbatons was going to be one of the schools. You saw Ron look at his feet for a second before you stood, wrapping your arms around him. He quickly hugged you back, instantly turning to mush. You felt his tears wetting your shirt and it felt just like when Ron went off to Hogwarts, but it was you that was doing the crying. You were like that for a while until someone flashed a camera and you two jumped apart. Molly stood there with a watery smile, meaning that the two of you were caught.

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