You Break Up

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Harry: You felt as if your whole world came crashing down. You knew what Dumbledore had done and damn if it wasn't working pretty damn good. You would gladly throw yourself at Nagini if Harry never looked at you the was he was again. He looked so broken. "You don't fully support the light?" You sighed, everyone looking at you with an appalled expression as you looked at him. "I don't," you finally said after the tension was thick enough to cut with a sharp breath. Everyone looked at you with an expression of pure shock. "How can you not support the Light? What about Voldemort's 'vision' do you agree with?! I can't believe you let me fall in love with you when you're no better than any Death Eater! You make me sick." You were glad that Dumbledore was dead because if he wasn't, you'd have killed him yourself. "Do you think that's going to hurt me, Harry Potter? You don't know it yet, but Dumbledore has fucked you sideways since the day you were born and you're such a blind little sheep that you go along with whatever he says. You allow him to feed to your little ego and put a smile on your face because he knows that everyone believes you're 'Harry Potter, the great and powerful wizard that defeated Voldemort when he was a baby' when you were nothing but a squealing little pig whose mummy did all the hard work and got no credit for it! Youre praised as sone famn savior and you put your faith in He left Sirius to rot in Azkaban and you still support him?! You had no one! Not a damn soul cared about you enough to actually help you. Even the Weasleys let you go to the Dursley's every year while doing nothing to save or protect you, KNOWING THAT THEY WERE ABUSING YOU!! So if me not supporting the Light with your best interest at heart makes me no better than a Death Eater, then you can take this relationship and shove it up your ass. Hell, even my Death Eater of a father offered to take you in and he doesn't even like you! He lives in a home Voldemort couldn't possibly step foot in. Dumbledore knew this. But what happened? Your precious Dumbledore pulled rank with the Wizangamot and LEFT YOU THERE! I don't know if you know it, but people like you don't tend to make it to see the big 'happily ever after.' I hope Voldemort wins now because if you're the future if the wizard world, we're doomed." You glared hard at them, turning and apparating on the spot.

Draco: You stared at him for a while, not knowing what to say. She watched you, dark eyes proud of what she'd done. His alabaster skin shined in the moonlight filtering through your bedroom window. In your house. In your bed. He had betrayed you to be with her and the saddest part was that you knew it. His father had been pressuring him to continue the Malfoy line with a pureblood and she was the only one willing to be with him after his family fell from favor. She was his only hope of making them proud of him. You just watched them. She held a smirk on her face, but he held an expression of pure shame. "I get it, I really do," you said as you walked over to the closet. You had packed your bags days in advance, but you didn't know why. "So you understand?" You sighed, not wanting to give him the satisfaction if seeing you cry. "Picking your bags up, you came out of the closet. "Of course I understand, Draco. I told you when we were in Hogwarts. You'd be better off with someone like her." There was no malice in your voice, but your heart felt like it was gone. "Guys like you don't end up with girls like me." He stared at your bags as you took a deep breath. "Have a nice life, Draco." Pansy smirked from where she sat, Draco watching you leave with a helpless expression.

Ron: You sighed to yourself. Ronald had been out all night again, drinking with George. It was three in the morning and he didn't even owl or anything to tell you that he was going to be late.You were just about to get up and go to bed when the front door opened, revealing an unsteady Ronald Weasley. "Ronald!" He looked up at you, his eyes wide. "(Y/N)! What are you doing here?" You felt your anger flaring. "I live here, Ronald! Or did you forget that?" He didn't seem to understand. "You need to stop drinking so much, Ronald. This isn't you!" He glared at you. "Don't tell me how to live my life, (Y/N)! I'm a grown ass man and I do as I please! You're not my mum and you don't tell me what to do." You balled up your fists, glaring at him. "Well maybe I don't want my boyfriend to throw away his life and become an alcoholic! You're killing yourself, Ronnie!" You felt tears stinging your face. "Well then you don't have a boyfriend anymore." You gasped, a choked sob escaping you as he turned and left the way he came in.

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