What Made Your Father Approve of Him

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Harry: He loves you.

At first, your father was not fond of the idea of Harry Potter dating his only daughter, but once he realized how much Harry loved you, he stopped doing things to sabotage your relationship.

Draco: He has money and power.

To your father, you were nothing but a placeholder for an alliance of some sort. Draco was rich and successful, so he was more than happy to approve.

Ron: He won't ever purposely hurt you.

Despite the fact that Ron can be a bit of an idiot, he would never purposely hurt you. Your father realized that once when you were angry and he was doing everything in his power to make you forgive you.

Neville: He's humble.

Adoptive: Your father dreaded the day that you would start dating because he assumed you would bring home some man that was a total opposite of your own personality, but he was so sweet and caring towards you that your father instantly approved.

Biological: That he was able to protect you.

Despite the fact that he didn't formally know you or Neville for long, your close encounter with Alecto and Neville being able to stupefy him was enough for Neville to earn his respect.

Seamus: He's funny.

Your father was a very serious man. Ever since he came home and was able to get away from the Death Eaters, he hardly ever smiled. When Seamus met him for the first time, he immediately had your father laughing heartily.

Blaise: He's smart.

Your father loved that Blaise was just as intelligent as you were, always able to keep up with you.

Theo: He's an introvert.

Being more introverted himself, he felt that Theo really mellows you out, stopping you from doing many things that were a bit outrageous in his opinion.

Oliver: He was dedicated.

Despite how annoying Oliver was, he loved that Oliver was so determined to be successful, even it was at Quidditch.

Fred: He Pranks

Your father is quite the prankster himself, so having Fred around is a breath of fresh air to him.

George: He excellent at planning.

Your father is a businessman if nothing else, and one summer, George realized a fatal flaw in one of his blueprints that could have cost him a lot of money, so since then, your father asks him to look at a few things for him.

HAPPY 2016!!! I know I've been away a lot and trust me its annoying me more than its annoying you. I hope you guys have a lovely year and I hope you all find happiness. Also, if there are any more characters you want me to do, comment them below or inbox me and I'll do a catch up chapter.

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