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Harry: You were sitting in the Slytherin stands watching Harry and Draco Malfoy racing each other to catch the snitch. You s dint often come to Quidditch games, but You got bored and you didn't have detention for once, so you decided to tag along. You decided to sit at the very top, alone. Other than maybe the Greengrass siblings, Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini, you didn't have many friends in your own house due to everyone either being afraid of you or disliking you for whatever reason. You were resting your foot on a beached in front of you, watching the two seekers. Your boyfriend versus your brother figure. It was rather interesting in all honesty. They pushed and shoved each other, completely forgetting about the snitch. All of a sudden, a fight broke out between the two seekers and their teammates had to separate them. Shaking your head, you laid your head back, feeling eyes on you. You knew it was Harry, but you weren't going to look back.

Ron: "That was brilliant, Won-Won!" You raised an eyebrow as you looked over at Lavender Brown, who was eying your boyfriend like he was a fresh cut of meat. Ron wasn't even doing anything! Hermione must've sensed your agitation because she switched spots with you, putting Ginny on the other side of you, so if you felt like turning little Lav-Lav into an incense, someone would stop you. He looked in your direction and the two of you waved simultaneously. He looked confused at Lavender, but she thought he was looking at you. Turning sharply, she glared at you. "Excuse me, but the next time you wave at my Won-Won, I'm going to rip those cheap extensions out of your head." Jumping to your feet, you began to leap at her, but Ginny and Hermione held you. "You're on, Blondie," you yelled as you struggled in their grip. "How can someone so small be so strong?!" You ignored Ginny as you tried to claw her eyes out.

Draco: Quidditch was a bit hard for you to understand, but you still came to all of Draco's games. You cheered when everyone else cheered, booed when everyone else booed, and ignored all of the insults Pansy threw your way when Draco waved at you. All in all, it was fun, even though you had no idea what in the world was going on.

Neville: Of course Neville didn't play Quidditch, but he said that you were more than welcome to sit with the Gryffindors. His Friends were nice enough, so you had a good time with Neville, cheering his team on. A few people from your own house sat there, too, so you didn't feel so alone as Ernie and Cedric explained it to you, Neville and his friends offering input and helping you learn names. You found that you quite liked Quidditch, actually.

Seamus: You ignored how Seamus looked at you, a hand on his chest as he looked offended, watching you swear like a sailor at the Quidditch World Cup. The Irish had won and he was about to gloat when you threw what seemed to be the biggest tantrum ever, actually talking your shoe off and hitting Viktor Krum in the eye with it. At that point. You were escorted out of your section, him soon following to make sure you didn't injure anyone else. Then, the most amazing thing happened. You actually got to meet both teams. Bagman and the Bulgarian coach were so impressed by your throw, he went to find you. You were still fuming, but you were able to take a compliment. Before you left, you eyed Krum. "I'll see you in September." You jumped at him and Seamus was able to catch you and carry you away from the team.

Blaise: You didn't like Quidditch. At all. Sadly, Blaise did and he was always dragging you to a Slytherin game, pointing out players to you even though he knew you didn't care. At least he stuck around with you, never leaving you alone with his friends.

Theo: You loved Quidditch, but Theo didn't. He went to the games with you, pretending to pay attention when in all actuality, he was just reading or something. He let you sit in his lap, though, so he wasn't completely withdrawn.

Oliver: You grew tired of Quidditch sometimes, too. I mean, you loved it true enough, but you didn't love Quidditch as much as your crazy Scottish boyfriend. If he wasn't in a Quidditch game, he was at a Quidditch game, taking notes and whatnot. You'd tag along or he'd drag you along because he felt that he was doing you a favor for some reason.

Fred: You nearly shrieked as you watched Fred duck from a bludger that nearly smashed into the side if his head. "Breathe, woman!" You glared as Marcus Flint pat you on the back, laughing as you plopped down in your seat.

George: "And it looks like Slythering is going in for the stea- HEY!! HIT ME WITH THAT THING AND IM COMING OUT THERE AND KICKING YOUR ASS!!!" You ignored McGonagall yelling at you. Gryffindor was losing and as usual, Slytherin was cheating. Marcus Flint sent you a rude hand gesture and you grabbed the microphone. "In your dreams, Flint!" You distracted him long enough for Fred to hit a bludger and knock him off of his broom. "That's for my sister, you twat," he called as George high fived him, winking in your direction.

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