What He Loves About You

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Harry: Your honesty.

You didn't care who you offended when the truth needed to be said. He found you constantly checking him when he allowed the way others saw him to get to his head and he needs that to stay on track.

Draco: Your kindness.

You were the sweetest girl he had ever met, always willing to stick your neck out for others, or lend an ear whether you get a reward or not.

Ron: Your intelligence.

You were very smart, but you never hold it over anyone's head. Ron was always eager to impress you by keeping up with conversations and such, so in a way, you helped him become excited to learn.

Neville: Your shyness.

Neville was shy himself, so it amazed him to see someone shier than him. You constantly fumbled over your words or you were blushing uncontrollably.

Theo: How outgoing you are.

Theo is rather introverted himself, so you're a breath of fresh air for him even though he pretends that you aggravate him constantly.

Blaise: Your voice.

Blaise usually gets on your nerves because he will use any excuse to get you to talk to him. He never lets it be known, but he can barely go a day without hearing you talking.

Seamus: The fact that you're a tomboy.

Seamus loves that you're able to keep up up with him at all times, whether it be physically or mentally. You can be girly and cute, but at the same time, you're not afraid to get your hands dirty, either.

Oliver: Your fairness.

Despite the House rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor, the two of you still work and you're always fair when it comes to Marcus and Oliver, half the time never involving yourself in their spats, but when you do choose sides, you choose who is right.

Fred: Your Laugh

Fred is obsessed with making you laugh because if you're laughing hard enough, you'll snort and he's obsessed with making that happen because he thinks it's cute despite how embarrassing it is for you.

George: The fact that you're always worrying.

You worry about George a lot and half the time, you're screaming your head off at him about something hen and Fred has done to someone or something. Usually, it's a turnoff for him, but he knows you only worry because you care about him.

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