He Gets Hurt

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Harry: "I swear on everything sacred, if you die on me, I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter." Harry held your hand tighter as the healer stitched up the gash on his head. Harry looked like a giant bruise and you hated it. It seemed often when Harry came home with some form of injury that was life threatening or very hazardous to his health. You knew it came with the territory, but you wanted to just punch him sometimes. The healer left and you looked at him. "Come here," he said, holding out his arms for you to come to him. You sat on the side of his bed, eventually giving in and letting him wrap his arms around you. "I love you," he whispered as he kissed you on the cheek as you stared at him. "I love you, too," you said, kissing him on the cheek that wasn't swollen and bruised.

Draco: "Draco, are you okay?!" You looked at your bloodied boyfriend. "He was attacked when he went to Diagon Alley. Some people just jumped on him. Thankfully, Potter and some Aurors saw it." Draco scowled. "Yes, Saint Potter out to save the day once again. " You glared at him, "Hush that, now. You're safe and that's all that matters. Put your pride aside." He closed his eyes and sighed as he laid his head in your lap.

Ron: You placed in front of Ron's bed in the hospital wing. Three broken ribs, a broken arm, and bruising all over. Quidditch was going to be the death of him, but it was going to have to wait it's turn because you were going to kill him when he woke up.

Neville: You kissed Neville's fingers as his other hand was being tended to by Madame Pomfrey. While they were working on a project in Herbology, one of the students had rogue tentacula and he jumped in front of it before it could hit him. It got his chest, arm, and hand. You were grateful the students got him to Madame Pomfrey immediately.

Seamus: "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Seamus had tried to surprise you at work and dot himself burned. He was all better now, but he scared the he'll out of you. You were hugging him so tightly, he thought he was going to suffocate.

Blaise: "I told you it was a dumb idea," you said as Blaise nursed his broken arm. He glared at you, pouting. He was sure his arm was fine and he could fly for Quidditch. Now he sat in the hospital wing with a broken arm and he couldn't play.

Theo: "Oh my god, are you alright?!" You and Theo were walking and he wasn't paying attention to anything he was doing and ran pretty hard into a wall. He was holding his nose, frowning deeply as blood flowed freely. Shaming your head, you pulled out your wand, ignoring his shout of pain as you muttered a quick Episkey."

Oliver: You frowned as you watched a Healer check over Oliver. He had a serious head injury after hitting his head at a game. He was unconscious now, but he would wake up soon and the healers thought that you should be there to calm your own nerves as well as help explain to him why he had to sit the game out.

Fred: "Come on, Kitten. Don't be like that," Fred said as he rubbed your sides, trying to calm the tears rolling down your face. "You could've gotten yourself killed! Don't EVER scare me like that again, Fred Weasley." You thought Fred was dead. The hex the Slytherin sent at him knocked him off of the Astronomy tower and if it wasn't for Hermione Granger's quick thinking, he would be. You couldn't thank that girl enough for her intelligence. She wouldn't have even been in there if it wasn't for it. She was demonstrating a spell for the class when the duel broke out.

George: "It's only an ear, love. This means I can tell our kids how awesome I am because of it. George grabbed your hand, kissing your palm. "You worry so much," he said as he kissed it again. You wiped your tears as he continued to kiss your palm. "That's my girl," he said, bring his head in your neck.

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