He Forgets Your Birthday

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Harry: You sighed to yourself as you looked around Hogwarts grounds. Harry forgot your birthday. You were so excited about it. Sure you got loads of gifts from family, Luna, and even Professor Snape, which shocked you had assumed that he neither liked you or knew your birthday. Harry, however, forgot your birthday. You were penning a letter to your eldest brother as you sat in the Whomping Willow, a hard glare set on your face. You had a certain... call to plants and you could get them to do whatever you wanted. "(Y/N)!!! Get down from there, you can get hurt!" You looked down to see Harry and his friends standing a fair distance away. You ignored him as you continued to write your letter. A solid smack was what alerted you of his first attempt to try to reach you.

You waited until he was smacked around a few times before stroking the bark of the tree, causing it to still. He hesitantly walked over after the tree would seemingly dip no harm. "What are you doing, (Y/N)?! I looked all over for you! You were supposed to help me with my Potions homework since I missed class! You promised me last week." He cringed as you glared at him. "And you promised me you would spend the day with me, Harry Potter! But I guess playing Quidditch with your friends all day is more important than me!" You jabbed him in the chest with your pointer finger with every stressed syllable. He sighed, rubbing the spot as you stormed off.

Draco: "I don't understand what I did wrong." You looked at Draco and shook your head. "Well if you don't know what you've done wrong, then maybe you didn't do anything wrong." He smiled, leaning in to kiss you on the cheek and you pushed his face away. From the other side of the great hall, a voice called out. "Happy Birthday, (Y/N)!" You looked over to see your friend Hermione waving at you. "Thank you, Hermione!" You felt him tense beside you as you pushed your hair behind your shoulder.

Ron: You sat in front of the fireplace, looking through your gifts. You didn't blame Ron for forgetting, But it still stung a little. Not only did he forget your birthday, he forgot Hermione's as well, all because of some stupid game against Slytherin. All of The boys did. They didn't even bother to come back after the game, heading straight to Hogsmeade. The two of you sorted through a large pile of presents, smiling as you read the cards attached. The door opened to reveal Ron and his guy friends all laughing together. When they entered, you and Hermione rolled your eyes, already having had decided that you weren't speaking them. "Hello, love. What are these presents for? You're not sick it anything, are you?" You ignored him as he unknowingly dug a hole that would take him days to get out of.

Neville: You hadn't seen Neville all day. You wanted to spend at least part of your birthday with him, but he had been spending days locked in the greenhouses with your head of house, trying to save some plants from dying. You were distracted most of the day, as your housemates threw you a birthday party of epic proportions.

Seamus: You were livid. Seamus Finnigan was a dead man and absolutely mad if he thought he was getting out of this one unharmed. He spent the entire day hanging out with Dean an he was piss drunk. "Baaaaabyyyy," Seamus cooed as he hugged your leg. You rolled your eyes, pushing him on the floor, watching as he groaned and pouted.

Blaise: He watched them burn. Every present Blaise Zabini sent you this week burned like the rage within you. He hung his head as your hard expression bore into his, the occasional glare the only sign that you'd heard anything he said.

Theo: He was so apologetic. All his life, birthdays weren't all that important and he forgot everyone didn't share the same train of thought. You weren't upset, but at the same time, you didn't want him to forget it again, so you pretended to be upset.

Oliver: "Happy Birthday, (Y/N)!" You stared at Oliver, his face in a nervous smile. Marcus looked between you two, a smile on his face. "She's going to kill you, Wood." Oliver looked confused. "My birthday was four days ago, Oliver." He paled and stiffened. You would have been mad, but he had a game that day, so he wasn't completely focused on you. That didn't mean you were happy about it.

Fred: You wanted hit Fred Weasley in his big, stupid carrot head. He blew you off to go prank Snape with George and you didn't even hang out together for your birthday. You weren't just mad, you were furious. "Hello, Kitten," he started, but ducked when one of your shoes came flying at his head.

George: He sat in the corner, balled up and crying about Fred. You'd planned spend your birthday relaxing, maybe reading a few good books, but George had basically a relapse and now you were sitting with him until he got better, which could have take days.

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