He Has A Girlfriend

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Harry: You looked through your Potions book as Harry Potter and Ginerva Weasley sucked face in front of you. You were supposed to be helping him with his Potions work, but Boy Wonder decided that it was cool to invite his girlfriend and you had got nothing done. You weren't even failing Potion, he was. You didn't have to be there, but he didn't seem to see that. You already didn't like Ginny Weasley, now Potter gave a reason for her to further torment you. She knew she had something you wanted and planned to take full advantage of showing it off. That and the fact that she was simply mesmerized by the idea of dating The Boy Who Lived, not Harry Potter.

Rolling your eyes, you stood, grabbing your bag. "Where are you going?" You looked at him, rolling your eyes. "I have better things to do today, Harry Potter." Ginny scoffed. "Like what? You don't have any friends, no one likes you. You should be happy my Harry even wants to be seen with you, Death Eater spawn." When you came back for school to complete your final year and present your class theory to McGonagall, your circle definitely got smaller, as all of your friends were either in Azkaban or simply not returning. You looked at Harry, but he looked away uncomfortably. Shaking your head, you exited the library, Pince staring at you with an icy glare.

Draco: "Oh look, Drakey." You looked up from your the Black Lake when a shadow came over you, rolling your eyes to see Draco and Pansy. Lucius Malfoy found out that you and Draco were dating and now he was being a complete ass to you every chance he got, especially when Pansy was around. "You're bringing me in the presence of this filth because," he trailed off, something inside of you just shattering. You didn't show it on the outside, though. You had to endure the torment of every Slytherin that wasn't Blaise or Theo. You had been hexed and jinxed nearly every day since Draco publicly dumped you in front of the entire Slytherin house. Your home life was bad enough and now you had to endure it at school. Shaking your head, you simply stood, everything within you empty as they taunted you, Draco even daring to say things you had said in confidence, things that Pansy laughed cruelly at.

Ron: You felt Hermione holding onto your arm as you watched Won-Won and Lav Rat sucking face with each other. "Your Potions book is on fire," Ginny said, you looking at the candle that dropped on your Potions book. "Let it burn," you said in a low voice, Lavender smiling and pulling Ron away. "I'm going to kill her," you said, Harry shaking his head as he pat you on the shoulder.

Neville: "You're not angry?!" You shook your head as Ernie followed you around the library. "Neville is happy. I didn't have the courage to approach him after the war," you said as he looked at you with a bewildered expression. "Hannah stabbed you in the back, (Y/N)! No real friend does that. You have the right to be angry about this." You shook your head. "If Hannah is what makes Neville happy, I am in no position to interfere in their relationship." Ernie shook his head. "We are Hufflepuffs, (Y/N). Loyalty is one of our greatest traits and Hannah shames that. Get your boyfriend back before she steals him away for good." With that, he walked away not noticing the tears that fell down your face. Did he not think that you were devastated about Hannah dating Neville? Your heart was broken to pieces. She was seeing Neville behind your back, but there was nothing you could do. Neville seemed very interested in Hannah and you were too much of a coward to see a good thing right in front of you. You held Neville back. He could be something great. Hell, he was the boy that killed the snake! So many women wanted to be with such a brave man and you felt inferior. You weren't angry, you were livid. Furious at Hannah's betrayal, furious at the situation, furious at life, but more than anything, furious at yourself.

Seamus: You sat with Dean as the two of you watched footy. Seamus was out with his new girlfriend and you were drowning in your tears with Dean to comfort you. "It'll be alright, (Y/N)," he said as he rubbed your shoulder, the two of you sadly celebrating as your team won. Seamus met this American girl that just moved in and it was like you didn't exist anymore. You spent the rest of the night clinging to Dean as he comforted you as best as he could.

Blaise: Marietta Edgecombe was her name. That was the name if the girl that stole your Blaise from you. You watched as he smiled at her. That was your smile. No one could make your Blaise smile like that. "You're going to burn a hole in her head if you keep at it like that." You looked up to see Luna Lovegood reading The Quibbler, her blonde hair shining slightly as she flipped through the pages. Shaking your head, you pat your friend on the shoulder, going back to your food.

Theo: You sat in the dark, a shadow on your features, as you pondered your life. "This is pathetic," you heard someone say, suddenly being assaulted by light. You looked over at your roommate, her face set into a stern expression. "Stop moping around about that evil boy!" You glared at her. "I'm not moping. I'm brooding. There's a difference, okay?" She rolled her eyes. "Either way, you're hung up on a boy that chose Daphne Greengrass over you." The thought of Daphne Greengrass made your spine hurt, the wine glass next to you cracking as your magic crackled in the air. "That enough. We're going out," she said as she grabbed your hand and dragged you to her room.

Oliver: The headlines were driving you mad. Oliver had a new girlfriend. She was some Quidditch player from Sweden. You wouldn't even be so angry if she wasn't so damn gorgeous. "Ma'am, your interview with Oliver-AAH!" Your secretary ducked as a vase came flying across the room.

Fred: Angelina Jonson stole your Freddy. It made your blood boil every time you saw her and him together. Currently, they were being such a "cute couple" and paying footsie. You wanted to gag as they kissed.  "Do not throw that shoe," a calm Marcus Flint said as he ate his dinner. You glared, putting your shoe back on. "I hate her," you said as you went back to your food.

George: You relaxed your nerves as you heard Alicia's loud laughter. You weren't even going to be angry at George as you sat there. "Easy," Lee said as he looked over at you. You didn't show any signs of calming and George seemed to be enjoying your misery. "Hey." You turned in Lee's direction only to have him press his lips against you. You were shocked at how easy it was to kiss him back. This was Lee, the boy that grew up with you, your best friend. The sound of a door slamming caught your attention and you two separated, Fred casting you a thumbs up as you noticed that George was nowhere to be seen.

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