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Editing as of 24/08/16- Nothing major will change, just spelling errors, and making sure the sentences flow. All that weird writer stuff.
Isn't it weird? That grades determine everything. Your grades determine the house you get, who you meet, what car you drive, and what career you major in. I just think the system is so weird, you can pick up skills without knowing math, or science. I mean English is a big part of the world so I guess you need that, unless you live somewhere else.

I've never used a pie chart in my life and I cut a lot of pie, and cake. I mean it's a lot of unneeded stress in my opinion. All this talk about pie has me hungry, I have 5 more minutes until my Dad knocks on my door and ruins my comfort. I have to get up at 7am if I want to get a ride. It's our routine so I guess I'm used to it. Although it's the same as our Texas routine, I get to school half an hour early considering we live closer. School starts at 9 whereas I get there at 8:30. I guess it gives me a lot of time to think, and appreciate public school, ah the joys.

I've been at this school for about half a week now, I've met a couple of friends. I mean I'm still the new kid, so what would they want with me? I'd avoid me too. I always stand out, because I have orange hair. I wanted to be different and I experimented with hair dye as a kid, and orange kinda stuck. I just didn't want to be normal, I used to think being normal was boring, and that's not fun. I guess I was kinda right, I enjoy being an outcast though.

I admit I'm a bit depressing, but hey, I didn't choose it. I got diagnosed with depression at 13, the year after my mother died. I miss her, but my sobs or my cries won't bring her back. It's hard on my dad being a single parent, I can't thank him enough for taking extra hours, or having an extra job just to keep us above the poverty line, which is more than some children. My mother always said he was a workaholic, but she knew he did it because he loved us and wanted us to have everything. My dad and I are very close, after my mom died we became distant but realised we were going through the same thing. We're kinda struggling together, paddling at different sides of the boat to keep ourselves afloat.

"We're running late, code orange sweetheart." He knocked on the door before he opened it, which shocked me a bit, but I guess it made me more alert and I suddenly became awake.  We'd talked about the privacy thing, and how I was growing up, so he knocks now, boy was that talk awkward.

"Orange just like your hair." He laughed and fiddled with his tie, he never could tie them up, he'd always get his finger stuck on the loop part. I wouldn't change him for the world.

"Good one, dad." I joined him in the laugh. He'd always make that same old joke, but you know what? It made him the slightest bit happy, which is all I want. I can't make both my parents happy, I may as well try with one- as horrible as that sounds. He continued to stand there looking dumbfounded at his tie, now that he had been moved, attire was stricter.

I threw the covers away, and stood up to help my dad with his tie dilemma. I felt bad for him. Man, carpet feels so good on my feet!

"Thank you, I've been wearing a tie for 6 years now, and I still can't do it. That was always your mothers job." He's just nervous about his meeting today, he needed to impress a few people and make a good impression. He'd smash it.

"I miss her too dad. You know you'll kickass as this meeting though!" We always have this little heart to heart with each other, it wasn't deep, and none of us would cry. We would just remind ourselves to never stop thinking of her, to always keep my mom in our hearts and our minds. Jane Williams, Angel of the heavens, destroyed by cancer. It's wrong, she died by something she couldn't even see coming. I mean you can't see death, but we knew it was coming but we couldn't stop it, God himself couldn't stop it. It's hard to explain, and I'm not much of an open upper. Although, my Dad doesn't open up either but he blames himself, although, he's nothing to do with her death.

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