Peace Out.

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"I'm coming Demi Jr." Yup. This is my life, getting up at 11am every morning to feed this cute lil monster. I remember when Demi was pregnant damn that was hard. I didn't know what to do, sometimes she'd yell at me and I wouldn't even know why and neither would she and then we'd apologise and kiss. It was emotional, but I swore I'd never leave her no matter how hard things got, and they did get pretty damn hard. I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere.

You see we weren't even gunna have any children, I thought dogs were better, but Demi wanted the experiences and thought I'd make 'the best mom ever', at least we did it the legal way, no guy had to come remotely close to Demi, well the doctor- but not in that way. We used a Donor called Shawn. He was really nice, had a good sense of humour- and he recognised me. He actually said he liked my music, and he was actually a really good looking guy. He seemed to be our perfect match. He had no diseases in his family, and his family history was quite happy and regular. So anyway, we gave him 15,000 dollars, and went on our way. It's been 9 months, and I still can't forget the day that happened. Our bundle of joy is 4 days.

My tour had ended when Demi gave birth, so I had to rush all the way from London to Texas. Damn I've never been so impatient. It's weird living back in Texas, I miss Jeremy and Taylor something crazy, I mean I have Josh and Zac. J and T actually visit at least once every two weeks. We have to meet for writing too. We've got loads of press with especially the baby, and our album Brand New Eyes just dropped. Everything's manic. Everybody knows about Demi, and even the baby. It all happened, like 3 years ago. Me and Demi went to the movies, and the paparazzi caught us making out in my car. It's not my proudest moment, but I decided to tell my fans and record label. I officially kinda came out, I basically just said I was only attracted to Demi, and every awhed.

"Baby we can't call her Demi Jr forever. We've got to name her something." I picked her out of the crib, and bought the bottle to her mouth. It's hard being a parent, I had to learn all this stuff. Those paternal classes really paid off. She's so adorable though, honestly I wouldn't change her for anything in the world. Her soft skin, her beautiful brown eyes- and her little nose. Let's not forget her cute little finger- she's everything to me. We haven't even decided on what we're going to name her yet, it's weird to me. She's just so precious and everything we've come up with just doesn't seem worthy enough, oh my god she's adorable. Do you ever get like the most amazing gift ever? That's what this feels like but times 1000, I almost cry every time I hold her, when Demi delivered her I was a complete wreck. I literally couldn't stop crying, my dad was so proud and got to hold her- Demi's parents were there too, and Maddie- it was so surreal.

"I know, it's just nothing seems right." She just looked so peaceful right now, my life is finally falling into place, and my love for her was unconditional, there was no way in hell anyone could ever separate us, we may not be related by blood, but I was always going to be her momma, or whatever she wanted to call me.

"It's up to you." I can't believe this is a conversation we're having to name our first child. It's weird, I'm not even sure. I just keep looking into her eyes, and dreaming all over again.

"Were not naming a dog babe...I like the name Ava..." It seemed to fit her perfectly, hopefully Demi likes it, or thinks of an better name. I'm actually nervous and I have no idea why.

"I know that Hayls....Ava.... It's perfect." Demi did that cliché thing were she put her arms around my waist. If only someone had a camera right now, her chin was on my shoulder, even though I was the taller one. I was still in my pyjamas though, and she was wearing shoes, so she kinda looked taller this time.

"Ava Lovato.." She's 3 days old but she's really smiley. She's got dark brown hair, not a lot of it, and her eyes are so breathtaking, she has Demi's eyes luckily. She's totally an Ava.

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