You Always Come First

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I'm really sorry I didn't update. My iPhone is slowly breaking because of the 10.02 update it's making my battery drain so fast and it's horrible.

"As much as I enjoy having you on top of me, and everything. What did you actually come over to tell me?" Oh right forgot about that. It's just so hard to resist Demi yanno. It all kinda happens and it's easy to go off topic, I do it in every single conversation.

"Oh yeah. Promise me you won't get mad or anything along those lines?" I didn't wanna see her freak out, I mean it's coming up to our 8 month and I didn't wanna ruin that. I'm still kinda on top of her but we're clothed so it's cool.

"I can't promise anything, but I'll try not to get mad?" That was the best I was going to get from her wasn't it? Well I'm just gunna tell her anyways.

"So... We're going on another tour and we need a drummer, and the only drummer I could think of was Zac, so he's joined the band-"

"That's wonderful news, I'm so proud of you." Oh she's making this so hard for me right now. I mean it's going to be so hard working with your ex especially in front of people, and the fact I'll have to sleep 5 feet away from him- that's even worse.

"Stay with me here Demetria, basically Zac will only join if Josh is allowed to join. So Josh is-"

"You know how I feel about him Hayley, he'll try something and-"

"He won't, I wouldn't let him. I'm kinda in the amazing relationship right now, and I wouldn't want to screw it up over some guy I dated like a year ago."  This was too good to let it go to nothing, we both agreed even if this didn't work out- which it's going to- we'd still stay friends. I hope we do stay friends, if we break up, it'll be hard though I'll always want something more.

"Yeah, what's she like?" Really? She's so adorable, and weird at the same time. We're just messing around, life is too stressful. Completely random but Demi's birthday was amazing and it's been like a month or something but I don't care because it literally was the best. We ate like 8 portions of cake between us, and we fed each other it and it was messy but cute. We watched movies and drank wine and then we totally slept through the night.... Insert wink face.

"She's okay." Her face went to a sorta frown, she should know by now that she's like the most amazing person ever. I tell her like every single day, maybe twice.

"Kidding! Well first off, she's a Godess. I mean actual Godess, I'm seriously surprised she doesn't model... I'm more surprised that she's with me-"

"Why wouldn't I be with you?" There are many reasons, teacher, girl, pale, skinny, ugly- I know I could do this all day. I'm not completely disgusted by myself but just like every other girl I wanna change things about myself. I like my hair, and my eyes I guess.

"I have a whole listen, too pale, ug-"

"Sh. You're so beautiful without even trying, you're so caring and hilarious. I mean that girl should be lucky she has you because you seem like a hella good deal." That's literally how I feel about her though. Like someone tell me what I did to deserve someone as caring and as beautiful as she is? I honestly have no clue at all.

"You're so dramatic." I wasn't very good with this feeling thing as you can tell, I'm working on it though. I'm really trying.

"If I'm so dramatic why are you looking at me like you want my shirt to pop open?" How did she know? She totally read my mind or maybe she just knows the faces I pull or something either way that was really creepy. It's shark week for me, I'm normally not like this I promise.

"Imagine if I could do that with my mind." Use the force, and suddenly everyone's zippers in a 3 mile radius unzips. I'm kidding I'd only do that to Demi or maybe just to mess with other people's minds. I don't know if that would be pure genius or maybe just a bitchy move. Anyways, it's fine because unfortunately I have no super powers at all.

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