Double Movie Date

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Sorry about all the cut scenes to different places. I just didn't want the book to be so long, it's coming to an end soon, and I wanna thank you guys for all the support and what not❤️

"Pst!" Oh man, I was so tired, do I really gotta get up. It's so early and I didn't like early. I think everybody knows that.

"Hayley...Demi.. Wake up." I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, with one hand because Demi had the other one captive.

"What time is it?" I yawned and covered my mouth. Hopefully we could both go back to sleep, one of us could take the couch and the other one could take the mattress. I'm guessing I'd be the one moving.

"It's actually 6:27am." I mentally groaned, and probably out loud too... I should probably start waking Demi up, considering Diana and Eddie will be up soon and I don't feel like explaining the position were in. Dallas took a sip of her water and walked out of the room. I think her work starts at 8. I'm not sure. It's quite a drive away.

"Demi...Wake up." I didn't want to wake up either so I don't blame her if she didn't. I just needed to put on some shorts or something and get another blanket. There was literally no response.

I carefully pulled my arm away from her, and picked up my phone off of the table. I had a Facebook message, and a few texts, wow people really miss me.

From: Dad
Hey Hayls! How's Texas?😊 I miss you, now I understand what you feel when I'm always away on business. I miss my little orange ray of sunshine!😱🌕🌞 P.S Hayley I think I have an emoji addiction! Stay safe, and call me whenever. Dad.-well obviously! 😱🚩
He was such a dork, but I'm glad he misses me, he doesn't have to go to work until the end of August now, he's probably always with Rose or something. I miss him too. I texted him back saying I'm okay and I'd be back soon so he didn't need to worry and miss me that much. I told him I missed him too obviously. I always do.

From: J-bomb
So Fuelled By Ramen called me. They've helped with the producing and everything. They just need some acoustic performance or something. The album artwork needs help too, apart from that we'll have an album coming out soon! Oh and they said something about promoting through mouth, I don't know Hayls but we're going to have to travel like a lot. Have fun in Texas though, can't wait until your back.

I guess we're going to have to promote our album by doing a little tour or something. Our album is almost done though, we have the lyrics and the guitar riffs and everything. They've got the album half way done. A few more meet ups and everything should be great. I can't wait.. I'll finally be like an actual artist. I just wonder how this'll work with school at the same time. I'd need to get a job at some point too, life is hard and confusing, especially adulthood. I need a life jacket or something.

I quickly replied to Jeremy just the usual, telling him I couldn't wait and I was super excited. I checked the rest of my messages, I haven't been on Facebook in a while actually.

From: Chloe Price -Via Facebook
Yo Williams ! We haven't hung in awhile, I really miss your vibes. Call me whenever.

Ah, I forgot about that. Chloe sent me her number, but I totally forgot to text her, I saved it in my contacts though. That reminds me, I need to tell Zac about the whole date thing. I'll call Chloe after Zac.

I scrolled down to Zac's contact, and tapped it. I'd be very surprised if he'd answer right now to be honest.

"H-Hello?" His morning voice sounds so weird, it's so croaky and boyish. Obviously- he's a guy. I'm an idiot.

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