Yes, Miss Lovato.

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I really couldn't write the sex scene in detail, and I don't know why. Sorry about that. Have fun reading :)

It sure was hard saying goodbye to everybody I almost teared up, but now I'm back in LA where I belong. We had just gotten off the plane actually, and were now processing to Demi's car. She parked it here when we left, hopefully its still there.

I couldn't wait to be in my own bed, me and Demi have spent so much time together it's going to be hard saying goodbye, considering I won't see her for another couple of days, and I might be going on vacation with my dad.

Oh, and I'm  so excited because our album is due out soon! All I just have to visit the studio and get everything official, our manager said we could do a little tour too, if we were up for it- we'd be stupid not to go, we need to promote the album that took forever to work on. 

I just remembered-I have my driving test soon, boy this is a busy month for me. We finally got out to the parking lot, it was really busy in the airport, shoulders were brushed together, everything was just so loud. Me and Demi couldn't talk to each other, we tried a few times but it was just so busy. I ended up saying huh and what way too many times than I can count, which considering I'm only getting c's isn't that much.

We put our cases and stuff in the backseat and slid into Demi's car, I couldn't wait to get my own, it sucks walking everywhere.

"I was thinking...." Now I'm kinda scared, at least it's not the we need to talk thing because if I heard that I wouldn't let her talk.

"That's never good, what'cha thinking?" She nudged me and smiled- so it can't be that bad I guess. Demi started the car and began backing out of the airport. I must be the biggest overeacter (if that's a word) ever.

"I know that we really didn't get to spend any time together this week.... We should go somewhere for a weekend or something... You know just the two of us." I really did want to be alone with her, but I really didn't want to go anywhere. I was missing LA so much, I was missing my bed, it was calling me. I'm not going to say that everywhere with Demi feels like home because that's just... Well it's just not true. Although she makes me feel safe, and loved and everything, it still isn't the same feeling as when I'm at home.

"Instead of doing all of that, why don't we just stay at your house, with your adorable cat, your great pizza, your beautiful self and lots of movies I can illegally download from your laptop?" I didn't want her spending any money on anything, we can have a good time without going anywhere. She took a right turn which took me by complete surprise, I need to concentrate a hell of a lot more.

"That sounds way better, I just want to spend more time with you." We hadn't really spend anytime together romantically lately, we'd get to do a lot of that with our many years to come though.

"That was so cute. I'll stay tonight? My dad doesn't know I'm home yet-"

"You don't have to ask you know." It's become a habit, but she does the exact same thing though. Demetria you hypocrite.

"What if you had plans?" Demi doesn't really talk to many people, I mean she speaks to every teacher I guess, but she doesn't really talk to people like around. I found that to be really weird but I guess it's whatever.

"We both know that I'd 1) blow them off or 2) when do I ever have plans." I understand though, I don't really talk to people.

"I wouldn't make you blow off your plans for me." I'd probably wait at her house or something, I don't want her to feel like she has to be around me 24/7 because that's not how relationships work, that's how jealous, weird people are. My dad used to tell me that my significant other should be your best friend, not your only friend and it's so true.

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