Skipping Gym.

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I'm going to be late to school, my father couldn't drop me this morning. I kinda like walking to school, it gives me time to think and appreciate the world around me. I really hate people walking behind me though, it's really annoying. I have to question myself wether I'm walking too slow for them? Or if I'm in the way of them, but I don't like walking behind people either for the exact same reason. It's really warm today for some reason, I'm wearing a hoodie- bad choice.

I'm literally 5 minutes away from the school, it's Friday, which is great. I do believe my schedule is English, Biology, Math, GYM oh and Music. I hate Biology, why do I need to know cells inside a flower? At what point in life will that come in handy? It wouldn't. I've always skipped GYM, I don't have anything to wear since all I own is skinny jeans. It's my first gym class in this school though, you don't even get graded on it, it's fine.

I'm passing all of my subjects as I am aware of, except music and maybe Gym, but that doesn't count. I just can't concentrate on music it. I think it's just because it's my first lesson, I guess I haven't gave myself time to adjust. I came here just over a week ago, I still haven't unpacked most of my stuff, as soon as I got here I got into the school routine. I got to LA on Saturday, and I started school on the Monday. I know it's really weird, I tried asking my Dad for extra days off just to you know 'get used to it' but he refused and said my life education was important. I know it's important but what will a few extra days do? It wouldn't affect my grades because I don't even have any yet.

I have to take my headphones out when I get into the school building in case anyone tries to speak to me, great. My ICell says its 8:20am, I left so late though. I don't understand. Do I really walk that fast when I have headphones in? I slammed my bag and my head down on my desk. Ouch.

"Well, that was clever." Oh. I didn't realise anyone was in here. I think from what I've heard it's the same teacher from last time. I can't remember her name. It seems like she's here every morning, I better get used to that.

"Very." I best make conversation. I should know her name really, like I said I'm very forgetful, unless I haven't mentioned that. Maybe I forgot? I mean she's my music teacher for crying out loud, and I don't particularly like her. It's just my personal opinion, I'm sure she's great at her job though.

"Still not a talker? Did you have a bad day? I mean morning." She corrected herself. Why is she so happy in the morning? I would rather the devil take my soul, and rip out my organs, than to be in this stupid state school building. It's nothing person to the school, I just like my sleep.

"Bad life." I didn't mean to actually voice this, but I'm not in the mood to try and correct myself right now. I just want to go back to my bed, roll over in my purple soft blanket and sleep. Is that too much to ask?

"Oh, right. I see. Well, you can always talk to me." Is she trying to help? Am I hearing this right? Teachers don't help at all, even with bullying, I mean some do- most don't. I've never been bullied. I'm not popular, but nobody's ever had a problem with me. I'm kinda in the middle I guess. I'm just a social outcast, with orange hair. I keep mentioning my orange hair because it's the only interesting thing about me.

"I'm good." I mean, I don't like talking about my problems, I talk through them with myself. I'm not sure if you get that, but it makes sense to me.

"Fair enough, I'm here if you need me." Well this conversation... It's getting really dry. I need water, I loved that episode of spongebob.

"Thanks for the offer." I guess, I should thank her, after all she's just being kind. That's how I was brought up, perhaps that's why I'm so fucked up. You win some you lose some, I guess.

"It was my pleasure. Well, I guess I'll see you 5th period. Pay attention this time." I heard her giggle for the first time, I swear that's against the school code. That's illegal, oh no.

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