Take a hint.

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Everything in bold is what part of the song Hayley sings.

Things I don't own: The song Take A Hint, The Show victorious, Hayley Williams, Jeremy Davis, Taylor York, Demi Lovato, or whatever else I mentioned.

Things I do own: A cold, a very warm blanket, many Paramore posters, some soup and a piece of last nights pizza.

Have fun reading and don't forget to favourite and review:) oh, and by the way this will have two parts because I'm too lazy to write it all now and I'm updating all my sorties now.

"But I'm just saying, why bother with parents evening? What's the point?" I'm 17, I can tell my pare- dad whether I'm failing school or not. Why do they still do this? I understand if you're in elementary, but not high school. It's pointless really. Half of my teachers don't even speak to me because I'm normally quiet, and they just don't make the effort for conversation- not that I want them to. I haven't even been there long either.

"Hayley we're going. I already got the time off of work, and I want to see what my little Hay bear is up to." I guess I have to go, ugh. It's today after school. I purposely didn't give my dad the forum. That didn't work, so instead they just sent us a letter stating times and what teachers I had to see. I only have to meet like 4 teachers, that's the minimum anyway. I'm so glad it's Friday.

"Okay, it's only like 4 teachers. I hope we get home soon.I have to go soon dad, my lunch is almost over. We'll only choose my best subjects-"

"If only lunch was a subject, you'd excel at it." I love him honestly, but do I have to laugh at that? I don't think it's in the parent guide book.

I laughed anyway just to give him more confidence. Hopefully these work on Rose, he won't shut up about her. I can give you at least 10 facts about her, and I haven't even met her.  I want to meet her, I just don't know how to talk to her. What if we have nothing in common? What if we have everything in common? I just don't want her to replace my mom, she might be gone, but her place doesn't need to be filled.

"Of course, I would. Anyway, I was thinking of only going to: Music, English and Math." I checked my ICell. I have like 10 minutes before I have to go for last period. It's Friday so I'm not really bothered, but it's with Miss Lovato, so I have to be a great student. Especially if she's taking me to the Beach Saturday to meet Maddie. I miss her so much, I just feel like she'll hate me, and I don't want that.

"Okay. That reminds me, what did you do with that Jeremy guy after school? Huh? Do I need to buy a shotgun or not?" I mentally just slapped my father in the face 700 times. We finally did that demo, it went great actually. Jeremy's uncle was so impressed, he got us to do multiple songs- even more then once. I think we're really on to something here.

"I will dad, we just recorded a demo. It went great actually." I made my way over to the English building, ugh I have to walk through the busy noisy courtyard. I've got to mentally prepare myself for laughing 7th graders and sly remarks from guys that are gross!

"So... No shotgun? I might need it in the future, my little rockstar." He sounded so disappointed at the shotgun part of course. I love it when he called me his little rock star, I don't want to admit this to him of course, but it makes me feel like he's proud of me, like he'll support me. I mean he's my dad, he'll support me in anything I do, even if it involves kidnapping a certain celebrity.

"Yeah Ross, no shotgun for you! I have to go though, I have Music." In 5 minutes, had it really been that long? I didn't even get to eat half of my lunch.

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