The Gig:Demi's house.

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Hayley is actually smaller than Demi, which I didn't know, but I can't be bothered to rewrite so.. Let's just all pretend :)
It was the day of the gig, boy was I nervous. I'm on the way to Demi's to 'talk' it's 10:45. We'd been texting all day long just bringing up weird and random things to talk about. Mostly about Demi's parents, and how she hasn't seen them in a year. I really miss Eddie and Diana, Diana's cooking was so bomb! I told Demi I'd come back to Texas in July, when we get those glorious 5 weeks off- obviously I can't wait for that. I just wanna see my aunty, and my grandma, just the family basically.

I opened the gate, today I decided on wearing black skinny jeans, a shirt with the American flag and a beanie which was weird considering it's kinda summer, I'm in that weird I don't care anymore attitude.

I walked up to her door and knocked. I waited for a good minute before she opened the door.

"You're on time. I'm surprised actually." That's because I didn't sleep last night, I'm literally so nervous, shaky and just not okay. I walked past her and into the living room, now where is that little puff ball. Did you know she's had it for like a week now and she hasn't named it anything?!

"Only because I didn't sleep at all last night." I watched the walking dead until my legs fell asleep, but I didn't. I put my bag on the floor, maybe she'll take the seat next to me.

"Go sleep. You won't be able to perform if you don't have enough energy." I looked over to my bag, which consisted of 3 energy drinks and a Sprite. Oops. It's really bad for my voice, but I needed the boost to get me though.

"It's okay, I'll be fine. I have like many energy drinks." I felt her plop down next to me, I'm so tired, I could sleep right here. It's so warm and comfortable, but I'm going to make it. I can't fall asleep now there would be no point.

"You can't live off energy drinks." I could but I'd probably die at a young age or become diabetic or overweight or something I don't know. They taste so good and they're so addicting.

"It'll be fine. Anyways, what does 2468 mean because I've been up all night trying to figure it out, and to be honest I thought it was a test answer- sorry but I think I've failed your multiple choice test, but like what even- what does it even mean?" I basically put 2468, so I didn't even read the questions. I've defiantly failed. I can't even think of what that means- it's annoying the heck out of me. The test didn't could for much, I think it was like a 2% of my grade type thorn or it just didn't matter at all.

"You're really straightforward for someone who's awkward." I've got to know her more so now I'll just talk to her like there's no tomorrow. Did that rhyme? Probably not. What's wrong with me and my head.

"That's true, but now I kinda know you better it's not that awkward. Stop changing the subject though." It's weird I haven't heard off my dad today, he's probably still asleep or maybe he's at Roses.

"Well, okay, since I did promise you, I have to tell you. Well when I was 'tipsy' I wrote a note in your phone- and well that's the code to open it. I don't want you to read it but I can't control you- obviously so... I don't mind." Oh, I don't want to break her trust or anything, I'll probably delete it, by the looks of it she doesn't want me to read it. It can't be that important se wrote it in under five minutes and she was kinda drunk.

"I can always delete it, I don't mind. I just don't wanna break your trust or anything-" I don't want her uncomfortable. Yanno, I'm a reasonable person. I just don't wanna be the bad guy, and I'd feel so guilty if it's something too personal or whatever- I don't know.

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