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I had already got my spectrum pierced, it was an incredible feeling. It was kinda bloody though. I didn't know what to expect, it hurt but it was still incredible. Although, I have a massive hangover because of my teacher and her sister. I'd never thought I'd say that in my entire life.

"Hayley stop touching it."

"Demi I can't help it, it hurts." It really did, it was okay but now it's stinging. Somebody said this wouldn't hurt, they lied.

"It'll be okay." Here we were walking through the mall across town because Demi said if someone spotted us from school it might make it awkward.

"What happened to Dallas?" I took my finger away from my nose, I didn't want it to look like I was picking my nose in public.

"I don't know, I lost her to some guy by the fountain." That's weird. How could Demi lose a guy to Dallas, it's possible Dallas is pretty hot.

"Wait here. I'm just going to look at something." Demi's probably ditching me, to checkout some dude or buy something, I felt really sad about it. Demi passed a bag to me, and proceeded in the store. Her hands are incredibly soft, I wonder what moisturiser she uses. Why am I so awkward.

I can't say that I'm not attracted to Demi, because I am. I know what I'm feeling is really confusing, and really emotionally just no, she's my teacher. This could risk her job, she could go to prison. It would make things awkward and I don't want it too. I wouldn't say that I loved her, but I really do like her. I can't think like this. I know she's bisexual but she's 23 and she's my teacher.

I put the bags and sat on the closes bench, I was too tired. The sun was hurting my eyes and I just want to sleep. Luckily I had my bank card with me. My dad gave me $200 dollars to look after myself, he dropped off a spare key, when he came to Miss Lovato's which he found awkward but I said I'd explain later. I roughly had $800 dollars in my bank to last me a month. I really need a Job, I feel bad taking my dad hard working money.

"Hey." This girl with blue short hair started talking to me. Oh, why would she be talking to me.

"Hey." She looks really pretty.

"You look like a pretty mess." I couldn't help but giggle at her semi compliment. I did have a hangover, so I don't blame her.

"Thanks I guess." I smirked. This girl kinda seems like a player. I don't want to judge yet though.

"I would love to take you on da-" this girl didn't even know me, why was she asking me out on a date. I didn't even know her name and she didn't know mine. This was really weird for me.

"Never mind they sold the last on-" Demi looked at me and smiled really weirdly. I took a sip of my water, I don't see how it will help.

"I didn't realise you had a girlfriend. I'm sorry, I'll leave." I coughed and spat all my water all over the floor.

"She's my-"

"We're not-"

"I'll see you round orange." I looked at Demi really awkwardly. What the frick.

"Well. That was awkward." I faced Demi, she's right though. It is kinda awkward. 1) I'm not gay and 2) she's my 23 year old teacher that I happen to be kinda crushing on. I'm just going to accept it.

"I lost a date because of you." I laughed, and she joined in. I don't really want to date anyway.

"I thought you were-"

"I know. I don't why people think I'm gay and I don't want to date anyway. So you're lucky." I've thought about it a lot, and it doesn't matter to me who I fall in love with, even if it happens to be a girl.

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