Sticking Around.

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GUYS I CHANGED MY USERNAME? DO YOU DIG IT? I totally do 😊 I didn't know you could change it! Enjoy- Alex❤️

I proof read this time😊 Please could you vote/comment it'd mean a great lot, thankyou🎈😊
We were all home, and I was waiting for Josh to show up for dinner. I really didn't want to go through with this- but what choice did I have?

Diana's going to think we're getting back together or something, she'll probably encourage it. I didn't want that at all, I didn't get the chance to explain to Maddie the situation either so she's just going to hate me more. Least we were having pizza. I was just in the spare room feeling sorry for myself, at least I wasn't crying- that would be embarrassing.

I heard someone talking downstairs, well that's probably Josh or Eddie one of the two. I crept downstairs, I really didn't want to be noticed. I feel really bad for Demi, now she has to sit through this, if this was the other way around I'd feel really jealous and probably attack someone.

"Hayley Williams! Boy haven't I missed you." It turns out it was both Eddie and Josh at the door, talk about amazing timing. It would be better if he just didn't show up at all.

"Eddie, I've missed you too. Painting now, eh? Picasso has nothing against you." We both chuckled, I can see where Demi gets her sense of humour from. Eddie was an amazing guy, even if he wasn't Demi's biological father, he was still really great and he cared, a lot actually.

"Everybody sit at the table, dinners ready in 10!" We all headed to the dining room, I presume Demi and Maddie are already in there waiting, I wonder where Dallas is.

I took the seat opposite Maddie, and Josh took the chair next to me, which had to be facing Demi. It got awkward pretty fast, I didn't know what to say, I just kept looking at Maddie's fingers quickly tapping her iPhone.

"I can't believe we didn't win this year, I cheered so hard." Her cheering was amazing! I've literally never seen it so great, I guess the school got a cheer upgrade or something. Is that a thing? It isn't.

"I know right, I played so hard. I had my girl in the stands and everything." I rolled my eyes so hard I thought I broke a vein or something. I'm not even sure what's in my eye anymore.

"I saw Becca sat down too, yanno I was gunna ask where she got her sho-"

"I was talking about you."  I regretted even speaking up, I wish I just stayed quiet. Doesn't everybody though. I mean right now I'm at the table with my secret girlfriend, ex insane pretend boyfriend, and my best friend. Oh, and my girlfriend's parents, fun.

"I thought that ship had sailed." Oh Demi, going in for the kill. This would be so great, if he had no proof and couldn't get Demi arrested. That's my girl though.

"Nope, we're still as strong as ever. Isn't that right love?" I couldn't even voice an input, I had no words to say to him. Every word I said would probably be used against me- why is he such an asshole.

"N-" I'm so glad for that distraction. I was going to say no, and he probably wouldn't have liked that at all. I don't like pretending so that makes us both even.

"Pizza coming through!" Eddie put two dishes of pizza in front of us, it was go big or go home in this house. The pizza was giant, I mean they had a pizza oven, why would someone let a godly invention go to waste like that. Everybody took their seats, and got drinks or whatever they needed. I needed a napkin, I knew that for sure. Sauce would go everywhere, this reminded me of our date at the pizza place. I smiled, but it dropped as quickly as it came. Reality hit me, I wasn't in this situation. We all quickly said Grace and carried on eating our meal.

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