Packing & Protecting.

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Hayley broke her toe too :(  her snaps are so cute!

enjoy :)

"Finally, the last day of school. This place feels like a prison. Well, technically were not done, we have Music after lunch." Jeremy had the right idea to be honest, I was sick of this place. After this I get to go to Texas though. I repeat I'm going back to Texas! I can't wait I'm so excited, and the fact I'm going with Demi makes it even better. I'm staying at Demi's tonight, and leaving at 5 in the morning. It's going to be great, Diana said she'd let me stay and everything, it's weird because I don't think she knows about me and her daughter going out. I mean unless she's worked it out herself- I doubt it.

"I know right J! I can't wait to leave this place honestly, but remember on the 5th of August we have to shoot the music video." We have to go get our album produced, and all of that nice stuff. Oh and we gotta shoot the music video for pressure, which is our single. I just can't wait to get out of here though, I just want to sleep the summer away.

"Yeah it's gunna be sweet Ha-" it's going to be great.

"Hayley, Erica's in trouble." All I could see was her panting and her sweating, this must be serious considering Sam ran, SAM NEVER RUNS! Sam didn't even get out of her bed on the weekend, I swear she only moves for cute girls and food.

"What's happeni- what's wrong?" Erica isn't mean, she wouldn't do anything to get herself into any trouble. She's probably hurt or something!? She's not stupid though? I began picking up my bag and pushing in my chair-as did Jeremy. He cares about her a lot, it's kinda cute. Okay, let's face it there adorable.

"That asshole Paris, apparently their fighting on the field. Come quick." Sam dragged me by the hand with Jeremy following close behind. I never liked that girl Paris, literally I disliked her with every bone in my body. I mean- it's just she's so mean, and just not friendly. Everyone's afraid of her, I'm surprised she hasn't got kicked out yet. I heard she tied a skipping rope to somebody's legs and pushed them over- but some how gotta away with it.

We were finally almost at the field, I haven't done this much running since- I can't even remember. I could see Erica, in the distance with a few people around her. Please tell me nothing's happened to her, I promised my dad I'd make her feel welcome and look after her.

"Erica! ERICA!" She span round, well she looked fine. Until I saw Paris approaching her from behind. Oh no, this is going to be bad isn't it. Why can't everyone just find there inner chill?

"Don't you ever do that again. I'll ruin you." That's not very good, I don't want my kinda step sister ruined, I would probably get the blame and I'm not into that. We could all walk away, she should just apologise or they should both apologise, violence is never the answer.

"He kissed me! I don't even want that trash, you belong with eachother." Erica did not just do that, please tell me she didn't just trash talk someone. Why did she do that? I JUST WANT A DRAMA FREE LIFE. I saw Paris' hand rise above Erica, and then Erica pulled Paris to the ground by the fist. How do I even get in the middle of this, they were both rolling around in a circle. I think it's a circle, I'm not sure I don't like math.

"Just stop, this is stupid. Both go your separate ways." I jumped to the ground trying to get in the middle of both of them, but Paris ended up tugging on my spectrum ring, and pushing me away. Nobody gets away with that, I was trying to be nice, now I'm just going to be feisty. I can't believe she did that, I was only trying to help.  I'll just claim it was self defence.

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