Misery Monday

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It was Monday, and I was miserable. Who isn't miserable on a Monday? Monday's are horrible. My dad came back from where ever the heck he went, he talked to me about him getting really serious with Rose and he wanted me to meet her step daughters, I've seen pictures and one of them followed me on Twitter and Instagram and we started talking, apparently she's joining my music and biology classes. Her name is Erica. They've only just moved here- like a week ago actually. My dad says I should welcome them to the neighborhood but I don't even know it myself, I've kinda been living here for a while but I've only been in 2 places. I  know how to get to Demi's and Jeremy's, oh right and school but nothing else. I don't even know where the nearest Walmart is, I know there's one 10 minutes away from school. It's sad really. I'm meeting them today in school, I really don't want to, but I know I have to man up sooner or later you know. Erica is in my music class which, I'm in now actually. It's my last period, and believe or not I haven't seen her all day.

My schedule is really awkward because there were no spaces for me to do any other subject so I just do nothing in second period. So anyways, right now I'm just staring at Demi writing something on the board, everyone is probably staring at her, all the guys love her. You should hear how dirty there minds get when she bends down, I'm kinda sick of it, it's really disrespectful, but what can I do? I keep following her with my eyes around the room, I don't know how she's holding up but I'm semi struggling to concentrate.

I looked down at my phone and started texting Maddie, I just couldn't look at Demi any longer- for some reason. I heard the door close and my head shot up so fast, I swear my heart stopped man. You know when your texting and you don't want to get caught? That's what just happened. A girl with brown hair and glasses came in, I knew it was Erica.

"Hey. This is my new class?" I saw her look down at her paper just to make sure that she was in the right glass I guess. She seemed kinda unsure to be here.

"Oh yes! This class is Erica Violetts. Two new students in the year, aren't we lucky." I was still the first, I wasn't the newbie anymore! That sucked.

"Hey Erica." I semi waved her, I didn't want her to feel awkward and she did say welcome. The orange hair gives it away every time she obviously knew exactly who I was.

"Finally we meet, Williams!" So she was as sassy towards me in person and she was over text messages. That's great to be honest, at least she wasn't boring.

"Wait, You know each other?" Demi knitted her brows together, I guess this would be kinda confusing wouldn't it?

"We kinda do, but we kinda don't Mrs-" If my dad is getting super mega serious, I'll guess they'll be my step sisters? They seem pretty cool, I've never had siblings before, and I'd be the eldest so I could use them as slaves, I'm totally joking.

"Miss Lovato." Demi corrected her, Erica nodded and took her seat that I saved her the seat this morning beside me. It's weird, no one ever sits next to me anyway, Sam did once when she got kicked out, but that's it- wait I think she sat next to Jeremy. I'm just that kid that's pale with orange hair, practically an outcast to be honest. I loved being an outcast, I couldn't be popular, I'd have to keep up a reputation and that's hard.

"Right anyway class, since we're all up to date,  we could just make Erica feel welcome and tell her about ourselves." It was true, Demi gave out so much homework that we were a whole 3 weeks in front of everyone else. The homework wasn't that bad, but the tests were horrible, since the grade boundaries moved up an extra 2%. We had to get more than 60% to get a B.

"Jeremy, than Hayley, than Erica, than John and so on." Why do I have to say anything she practically knows me already- well kinda.

"Hi, I'm J-Jeremy. I play guitar and I like to write music with orange here." He nudged me, wow okay, good ending Jerm. He's probably crushing on her, I can totally sense things like that, unless it's involving me.

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