Tutoring but not?

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"Hayley! I'm home." I woke up from my slumber by the sound of my fathers voice. Oh dud, I checked my ICell. It's 5 o'clock already!

"I didn't know it was this late. My teachers coming to tutor me for extra credit at 6." My dad cocked an eyebrow, oh yeah I forgot to tell him about this.

"That works out for both of us! I got invited out to dinner with the guys from work, I got told Rose would be there. I can meet your teacher, and I can leave at 6:30." He's so going back to her place tonight, that's disgusting to think about but now I'd be alone all night, seems cool.

"I guess you won't be back, eh?" This is so awkward, but it's good that he moves on you know? He can't keep mourning forever.

"Hmm, no I'll be back. I have to do work." That's the thing about his work, that's all he knows, he doesn't have time for himself anymore. He barely has time for me but that's understandable.

"Okay, I'll just be in my room if you need me. Now, go get ready for your date!" I half yelled from the hall.  I might practice some drums, I finally unpacked all my instruments. My acoustic guitar, my bass, my drums and my microphone. I don't think I'm taking up anymore instruments, I don't have the room.

I sat down at my desk, I have an hour to kill. I turned on the TV and opened up my Laptop. It's weird, I'm just using the tv as background music.

After about half an hour surfing the web like some hipster dude, I decided to shut down my laptop and go over some of my lyrics. I put my laptop to the side and pulled out my diary.
"One day, you'll get sick of saying everything alright." I remember writing this ages ago, before we moved.

"Now I feel like I don't know you." I sang to myself moving over to the drums. I haven't played these since I've moved, I mean maybe in school at lunch with my friends messing around. I started with a steady beat, working my way up.

"We tried so hard to understand but we can't."

"We held the world out in-"

"Hayls, dinners ready, and it's 5:30. I just cooked up some cheeky cheese sandwiches." That's half an hour until Miss Lovato comes.

"Okay, and really dad? Cooked up some cheese sandwiches?" My dads cooking actually isn't that bad. It's not terrible, but it's good.

"It's the best I could do, on so little time." I put my sticks down and pushed in my chair. I hope she doesn't come in here, Miss Lovato would probably die. I mean, there are wires on the floor. My bed is clear, my bedside table isn't clear, it's got a picture of me and my mom on it, I loved that Holliday. My rooms kinda plain, like it doesn't have any posters or pictures on the wall. I walked down the hall and through the living room and went and met my dad in the kitchen. I sat at the kitchen table and took a bite out of my sandwich. I've had so much cheese today. This is so good though, and apparently cheese is addictive. I say called me an addict.

"I have to say Ross, you really excelled yourself." It just tasted like a normal cheese sandwich, but I'll let him have his moment.

"Hayley Nicole Williams, how dare you?" He gave me a mad look to replace it by him laughing, such a joker this one. I sometimes use his first name, but only as a joke. We've never really argued.. Only a little actually.

"But, really? Because I got a new knife, and everything. You should try mine, it's got ketchup inside." He held his sandwich in front of my face, I was debating whether to trust him or not, screw it. I took a medium sized bite, which to him would be tiny. I felt something damp on my shirt.

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