Children & Pregnancy

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I opened the door because who has time for knocking anymore. I haven't seen her in a whole two days, it's so hard. I closed the door behind me, is she even home? I mean she must be right? Hopefully I didn't just breakish into her house, it's not like she'll care anyways.

"Demi?" This house was generally really big, not too big. I mean it's quite big for one person I guess. She really should lock the door though, what if I was a burglar? Nobody gets that this is America, I swear. Maybe LA isn't as bad as Texas.

"HAYLEY!" I almost fell to the ground when she attacked me with a hug. I've missed this so much it's unbelievable. It's been two days.... I know we're sad people, who are in love. I'd never thought I'd see the day, but I'm glad it's happened. Man, I'm so emotional.

"I've missed you too." I rested my head on her shoulder, we gave each other a quick tight squeeze before releasing each other.

"I've missed you so-" she pecked my lips, why is she so perfect? Somebody tell me.

"So... Much." She gave me another peck. This was really cute, what's happening to me? I'm turning into a mushy person.

"WAIT! YOU DYED YOUR HAIR? You still look as beautiful as ever." I felt her hands go to my hair and push it out of my face. I didn't think I even looked that good with blonde hair. I like how she didn't even notice at first, it's bright enough.

"Awh, you're obviously the beautiful one, I've missed you like sooo much." If Maddie or Dallas was here I know for sure they wouldn't approve. We both looked at each other and edged closer into a kiss, eventually our lips connected, and it felt just as magical as the last time. I don't know how people can do long distance relationships, imagine how hard that is. I mean it's just so heartwarming. We both pulled spart, we couldn't make out standing up, we're lazy people. I followed Demi in the living room, and we both sat on the sofa.

"So, how was the meeting thing?" Oh yeah! I couldn't wait to tell her the good news. I mean I didn't know where to start I was so excited. I kinda forgot about it for a second. Demi always distracts me, in a good way because she's adorable.

"So first off, we made 180,000 dollars, the guy said we sold 25,000 albums! We're selling more too, oh and I have an radio thingy tomorrow at 8am- and we're going on tour at some stage, I'm not sure when though. So everything went pretty good, I reckon."  I'm glad that I can tell her all of this and she's happy. Yanno, it's like we can live and support each other and what we want to do in life together, it's actually a really great thing. She was really listening too, looking at me, we held hands as well which was extra cute.

"No way, I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it though, let's face it. You're practically famous, I need to blog this." She was kidding obviously, we both just couldn't stop smiling at each other either. Her eyes were so bright, so full of life. WHATS WRONG WITH ME AND WHY DO I FIND EVERYTHING ADORABLE. Duh it's Demi, I'm so stupid.

"Awh, look who's back to being my number one fan again!" We always joke about this ever since she sang along to my song- I mean she bought 5 of my albums! That's insane. She doesn't even have 5 CD players. I don't even think she owns a CD player apart from her car.

"Always, baby." She'll probably always be my number one fan. I'm a fan of everything she does to be honest.

"Oh, and I ended up kinda telling Jeremy that I was dating someone... A girl actually." I can't believe it just slipped out, it kinda freaked me out a little.

"Awh! How did that go?" All I knew was that I was so tired. I haven't even done anything. It didn't go as bad I thought t would though, Jeremy's not homophobic so I guess it would go okay, I wonder how he'd react if he knew it was Demi.

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