Chapter 17

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Daisy is that you? Hearing a familiar voice. I sighed. I never wanted to talk to any one right now. I just wanted to try to walk the pain from my leg off. But apparently that was not what was planned. So I turned around and forced a smile and I spoke like I was extremely happy to see my friend that I have not seen in ages. Oh Ariel hello. Why are you here? Needed a walk I am upset. I wanted to walk to make sure I was not going to be crippled and not be able to walk up the stairs to my bedroom tonight. That happened before and I fell asleep on the couch. Even if I really needed to walk. I knew I couldn't walk away from my old friend. What is wrong? You probably don't want to here what is wrong with me. I feel like I would be bugging you. Why are you here Daisy? Um I am with a friend. I will listen if you want me to. You are still a good friend. Yeah your counselor never leaves Ariel remember that. We both started to laugh. But I knew it was her fake laugh. What friend is it? Before I dive right into what my problem's I want to know who you are here with. I smiled thinking of my boss in the restaurant. His concerned look on his face as I left. I knew his wife was a lucky women and his daughter was going to grow up with the best possible dad she could ever have. But my heart still went out to them. Especially Victoria she would grow up without a mother. Unless her father found another lady that he loved. That would be easy. But the hard part was in that situation was that most women never wanted to jump at motherhood right a way. Seeing that little girl smile at her father when I walked with him last night made me smile. But the thing was that little girl was happy. But her father had sad eyes still missing his wife. I knew that little girl never knew where her mother went to. But what year old would? Earth to Daisy who is it? Some one I used to know and he is now my boss. We are actually friends now. Do I know him? Yeah you do or should I say you did. He has totally changed since you knew him. Hey Daisy I paid for dinner and also I called my friend. He said he will be down in a jiffy to look at your car. Oh thanks. I am sorry I got tied up here with an old friend. Don't worry It was kind of nice to be not caring for.................. Michael is that you? Ariel hey. Any melt downs yet Daisy? He looked to me. I think knowing I was close to my breaking point too. She is close to one. Lucky you. Um I think I am going to get the car because I had to park down the street. Okay sure. Right when Michael started walking down the street Ariel started talking fast. Is that your friend Daisy our old crush? Yes he is my friend Ariel. We only started talking for a few days now and his sister set us up. But he does not mind. He was happy he could be gone of his father duty's and actually being a human being for once. He is a father? Yeah. He is still hot Daisy. I know he is. But don't tell him that Ariel. He is suffering a lot still from his lost. Really? Yeah. So Ariel let's get off this conversation about my boss. As he will be back soon. Also I want to know what is bothering you? A lot Is. But the main thing is I just got laid off from my job. I got a daughter at home that needs me, a husband that is getting disability till he gets better and we just got an eviction notice. Um I am going to write my address down and come by in a hour and a haft. I got someone to look at my car. But then I am free for the night. We can go to Starbucks and talk. Does that sound good? Yeah it does. Thanks Daisy you are the best. You are welcome. I guess tonight was not the night for relaxing. When Ariel left and I got into Michael's car. I was just exhausted. But the night was still young and it was going to be a long one. I knew that one for sure. 

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