Chapter 27

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You want to come with us Chase or you want me to tell Ariel that you are going there for the weekend? It was May two months ago since I started my new job and in the last month Michael has taken me to Starbucks to get me coffee at lunch. I don't ask him why he does that for me any more. Probably he would say just the same thing he said when I asked him why he gave me Chase. Oh I am just a good friend. That line he said that day I never believed. In a way I never knew if it was more then him being a good friend doing all these nice things for me. My suspicions grew with everyday that passed. Thinking more and more that he liked me. But I never told him my suspicions. I was excited for work every day now. Since my engine for my car broke and Michael picked me up on his way to work everyday. But the thing I wanted the most was to go home for the May long weekend to see my family. When Michael surprised me with a vacation down there and he was driving. That shocked me a lot. I looked to Chase that was now four months old and already a very large puppy. He tilted his head to me and came by my side and head butted my hand. I guess you want to come with us. Am I right Chase? Chase barked his already deep bark that I knew as he got older it would get deeper. Okay let me think Chase I got my suitcase packed and pain medication. All my dogs food and stuff and May's. Oh my I need to get May in her Crate. Right then the door bell rang and then I figured out what else I forgot. I forgot to actually change from my pajamas to actual clothes. But oh well it was not the first time Michael saw me in my pajamas. I walked down the stairs Chase following behind me. I opened the door and smiled Hi Michael. Hey are you ready? No I am not. Do I look it? Michael laughed. No you do not look ready. Chase. Victoria stay here please darling. It's okay Michael come on in. You know around this place Michael go to the living room . Yeah this is quiet weird Daisy because you are my employee and I am taking you on a trip to see your parents. But oh well. Have you heard from Ben Michael? No I have not Daisy. He has not called from Hawaii yet. Has Zoey called you? She emailed me yesterday saying that they arrived and it is lovely there. You said Michael that you never suspected them getting together. But they are perfect for each other and I was right they are together. Yeah I never guessed that about Ben. Love is crazy I guess. I saw a confused look on Michael's face. So I grabbed my laptop real quick and clicked onto the book I was writing. Read this as I get ready. I don't want to read it is too early. I started to laugh at Michael complaining it was early. But I knew it was. It was five in the morning on a Wednesday was not the best time to be up at. But we had a lot of driving to do. Just read so I can finish getting ready. Okay fine. I rushed around getting the last things I needed to get done. Done in timely manner. That included getting dressed. Chase followed me around every where that I went and that included barking at May once or twice. I had to try to curb his behavior soon. But not at that time as I was on time crunch. I am ready. We just need to put May in her crate and we can hit the road. When I walked in my living room Victoria was curled up fallen asleep on her father as Michael read my book. This is good Daisy like really good. You just need to edit it. But you are a writer at heart. Thanks. If Michael knew how much my heart started racing at his comments he would think I was crazy. I actually am almost done it. I need some help editing though. I need this to be sent to the publisher by June 30th . You are getting this published? Yeah. So I hired a writer. I am not good at it. I just write from my heart that is all. I could help you edit. Really are you sure? Yeah I am sure. Maybe later on if we get to your dad's family's town before we head up to Nova Scotia. By the way doesn't your parents live in the same town as them. They live though the winter in the town and then they go to there cottage in Nova Scotia for the summer. Oh okay. Daisy is this your first book that is going to get published? Yeah it is. How many have you written. I lost track I have all them on a USB stick as a back up. How's this book going to end? Um I don't know yet. Right then I saw a look on Michael's face that I saw at the party two months ago. Right then he shook his head. Like it was not the right time to tell me something. Do you need help getting your cat in the crate. Um I might need help. But let me just see. I grabbed the crate and I walked away and came back a minute later with a bag of treats. I only shook them once and my cat came running. At thirteen years old you never would know that this cat was that age. She was still hyper as ever even if she tired out more quickly. She outlived my other cat that only lived to eight and a haft years old. That was only thirteen and a haft years ago. I found my current cat four days after my other cat died. May in crate. That cat walked in and sat down waiting for a treat. I gave it to her and closed the crate door. Michael's face was stunned that actually worked. But he never spoke of how stunned he was. Wasn't he going to be even more stunned when we stopped to bring the animals outside and I have a harness and leash for my cat. This was going to be an interesting trip with my boss. I just knew it. 

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