Chapter 3

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Hey Michael. Daisy we like to cross each other paths a lot or is it just me? I think it is just a coincidence. I hope so. What's your dog's name? Oh this horse of a dog. Yeah. Right then that big dog sat down beside me and leaned on me drooling onto my new pair of jeans. I just got for my birthday. Sorry this dog has a drooling problem. It's okay most English massifs are drool machines. This dogs name is Babe. Really? Yeah my wife and I trained her together and I picked the name. She and I wanted our family to be full of love and life. That was why we got English massifs. That's nice that you wanted your house to be a home. Yeah. Where is your daughter right now? At my mom's and dad house. Needed time to calm down after today's work load and interviewing people. Just leave me in Starbucks in a middle of a sentence Daisy? Sorry Zoey. Yeah I better get going. Hey Babe you want to go back to see your Romeo or do you want to stay here? I saw Michael try to get the one hundred and fifty pound dog up. But that dog stayed sitting beside me. Making a mess of my jeans. Mostly me saying that would get this dog going. But I guess this dog is like me today not wanting to go back home. Why don't we sit and talk for a bit the night is young. Till your dog wants to go at least. Yeah the breed is known to be stubborn. This dog is no exception. Come on dog move. When I started moving to one of the outside tables that dog tried to follow me. Um I wish I understood my own dog. But I guess I don't. Yeah your dog knows things that we don't know yet. Yeah maybe so. Can you watch the dog for a minute so I can get a coffee. Yeah okay. Once he was inside Zoey started talking right away. Oh my goodness he is so hot. Zoey calm yourself down he is my boss for goodness sakes. I am sorry but you have a hot boss. Hush he could come out any minute. Zoey and I started laughing though. It felt like when we were in elementary school laughing at the most silliest of things. His dog has claimed you as family. I looked down and saw the English massif's big head on my lap looking right at me. I smiled and scratched the dog behind the ears. I wish people were dogs some times because then it would be much easier for them to fall for me. I know right It would be so much easier. Did I just hear that you wish people were dogs? Oh Michael I was just talking to your dog. You should see her pups they are about twenty pounds each now. Zoey started laughing. I stamped her foot. That hurt. Do not laugh like that right now. I gritted my teeth as I said that. Zoey and I could laugh at almost anything. Especially when it was something similar to our elementary school days. But right now was not the time for a laughing attack. Daisy it just reminds me of the day on the elevator when I said we were laughing because of my dog bit me. But in reality we were laughing because I whispered in your ear awkward silence. Michael what were you going to say? I was going to say before I got this dog to come to work with me I heard that saying before with a lot of people that just broke up with a person that they thought was their true love. Really? Yeah and this dog does the same thing. The same thing she is doing know with you. Before I could respond to Michael I saw a person I hated to see out. A person I was trying to avoid for the past month. I would mostly go down a different aisle in the grocery store if I saw him or I would just walk out of the store to avoid him all together. But this time I couldn't  avoid him he already spotted me.

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