Chapter 21

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I woke up and I looked at my clock. Noon. How did I sleep in till that time? I was late for work. But I couldn't go fast my body never allowed me too. I put on my house coat. I kind of forgot my boss was sleeping on my couch. When I walked into my living room I was startled. I had to think a minute what happened last night because why was my boss sleeping on my couch with my cat sleeping on the edge of my couch right beside him and my dogs were sleeping on the couch as well. He looked so cute sleeping. I was scared to wake him up. But then again what about the office? Right when I tried to sneak out of the living room to go to the kitchen. Michael woke up. I then realized he would see me in my house coat. Hey how did I get here? You went and got drunk at a bar and you fell asleep on my couch. Daisy? Seeing him so startled was funny. Yes that's my name. How long have we known each other for? A few days and also you are my boss. Yeah I know that this is awkward. For which one of us? You with no shirt on or me in my house coat? I swore Michael turned beat red. I don't know I think me. I crashed at your house. Daisy can I have Advil? I have an awful headache. Yeah sure. When I got back to the living room Michael had his shirt on. I was disappointed that he put his shirt back on. But I never showed it. Thanks. What time is it? Noon. What you let me sleep that long? No silly I just woke up a few minutes ago. I should really call Ben and see if he can fill in for me today and maybe tomorrow. Why? It is already noon why bother go into work instead pick up my daughter and drive you to see your parents. We will go in to work Michael. Maybe on the weekend we will go home. I kind of like working. I never drank that much I don't think in my entire life. Even on my wedding day Daisy I took it easy. Why did you drink till you got drunk then? Probably because it was on the house because it was one of my clients that was the bartender last night and he paid for all of our drinks. Okay then. Right then as I moved to one of my recliner's and sat down. I felt a shoot of pain go down my leg. It hurt so much. I wanted to buckle down my back felt like it would not bend. Figures for me not going to massage or anything. But I couldn't afford it. I tried not to show that I was in pain to Michael. But Michael saw it I could tell. What's wrong Daisy? Just my back is hurting me. But I am okay. You see that is another reason to go home you can go get a massage. Michael I am fine. Yeah right know by your look on your face I can tell you are not fine. As I sat down on my other couch that was closer then the chair. Michael did hit the point that I was not fine. That what I was saying was just a cover up and in a way I tried to convince my self that every night that I was fine. But this time I couldn't force the tears down. I burst into tears. Michael since we were in elementary school never saw me cry or maybe three times in our lives. But that was all. He saw me cry that one time when I was crying because it was close to the day that my grandfather died and Ariel was using me as her personal counselor. If I knew that Michael was good at that kind of stuff I would of went over to him for real and got him to help me. I never wanted him to see me cry. But I couldn't help it I stayed strong for so long and I found my breaking point. I never thought in a million years that the words no you are not fine would send me over the edge and Michael of all people would say them. I felt him wrap his arm around me and I moved it trying to get up from the couch. But I failed to get up. Daisy let it all out I am here for you. A sentence I never thought I heard in my entire life from any of my friends. Actually that was not true Zoey was the only friend that ever listened to what was on my mind. But she was one of the only ones that did.  The rest of them all piled there problems onto me. Even my ex boyfriend never allowed me to cry. He let me listen about the crap his friends did that irritated him. Right then I never cared I leaned on Michael and buried my head into his T-shirt like a little kid and just cried my heart out. I knew Michael was surprised. But he just let me cry. The next thing I knew was that I fell asleep. Probably because I was up late dealing with my friends problems for the last few days then dealing with work. But last night I even had to baby sit three kids. I heard a voice familiar to me. But I never wanted to open my eyes because I knew more tears would fall if I opened up my eyes. I felt a blanket wrapped around me and a pillow behind my head. How is she doing? Well Zoey when I said no she was not fine she burst into tears and the next thing I know her arms are wrapped around me crying into my shoulder. She actually fell asleep like that. I blame my self. No it is not your fault Zoey. She is too stressed out. You really like her don't you Michael? Zoey was here and I could feel that Michael was holding my hand. I wanted to wake up. But I couldn't because if I did Michael would let go of my hand. Zoey I don't know I feel like I am moving to fast. it is to fast for her to move on for sure. But she is good with Victoria and I will see where our friendship goes. I know she liked me in grade eight and I think she likes me now. I guess my brain thought that was enough of me listening in on their conversation because I drifted off into another deep sleep. 

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