Chapter 30

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As I turned up the volume on this one song I loved as I drove over the speed limit down Daisy's street. I felt alive for the first time that I remember in a long time. I pulled up by the curb and honked. I mostly would get out and go to Daisy's door and knock. But she already was waiting for me on her front porch. Daisy slid into the passenger seat and closed the door to my car. Hey Daisy how are you doing today? Finished my book when I got home on Saturday. That is awesome Daisy. I called my dad's parents to tell them my accomplishment. How did that go? I was still hesitant of letting Daisy have private conversations with her grandparents. But I couldn't let her know that. It was okay actually. Not what I would like it to be. But it is better then before. Isn't it their turn to come down? Yeah it is. This weekend I said they could come down. They said they were not busy so apparently they are coming down. Hope you don't have any plans that day. If so I can deal with them on my own. No I do not have anything planned. I was thinking about hitting the road so I can gather my life together. But I can do that another day. Are you sure? Yeah I am. How was your weekend Michael? I thought back to my calm weekend with my family and even spending time with my friends that I never did as often since Victoria was born. Okay it was relaxing at least. I went to Starbucks with Ben this morning. Apparently he got into a fight I found out with Zoey's ex. But yeah. I heard about that. Zoey called me there to tell me. I guess the cops were called and her ex got a restraining order put on him. Ben never told me that. Yeah it was actually funny hearing the story. Even if I know it is not funny. Did you talk about anything else with Ben? Yeah I don't know how we got into this conversation. But he said I need to start dating again I was not getting any younger. What did you say? I had to be somewhat honest with Daisy. I could not just lie to her. So I told her not everything but some of what I said to Ben. I said Victoria does need a mom but I am not ready to start dating again. Daisy can I tell you something what Ben said to me. Yeah what? I should of asked him what he meant about it. But I forgot to. He actually asked me how being a father is. I said you have to change a lot of dirty diapers but that is all. When I asked him why he would want to know that as he is not going to be a father to Zoey's kid. He said to me he could be the best step father though. You think he is thinking of proposing? I don't know Daisy. What does it sound like to you? I knew Daisy would have some idea to what Ben was planning as she knew a lot about people and she was Zoey's best friend. I think it sounds like that. But they only dated for a few months. Yeah I know. But he took her to Hawaii Michael that is my dream trip to go on. You said that to me before. Why is that your dream vacation? My grandfather wanted to go on a cruise to Hawaii but everyone said next time. That was the last cruise he went on and his dream was to go to Hawaii with the family. Oh maybe someday you could go to Hawaii. Yeah that would be nice. Well we are at work we should stop talking about our lives and actually get to helping people. Yeah that's sounds good to me. Don't over work your self Daisy today. Okay. I was always concerned that she would over work herself and stress herself out with the patients. Even if she said they never bothered her. I knew they did. I will try not to Michael. But's it's easy to say it then do it. I know but try. Yep you can only try and that's what I will do. Daisy already got out of the car and was heading into the building when I got out of my car. I hoped at least the paitents were not that bad today and they were not to stressful for Daisy and I both. 

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