Chapter 4

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Hey Daisy never seen you in a while. Hi Tom. Zoey looked scared. I knew why too. She heard it all in the last month and seeing my ex in public for the first time since the breakup was difficult for me. But she was afraid I was going to burst into tears right that second. But I could hold in my pain and hurt for a little while. Till I got home and then I could cry myself to sleep. Who's this gentle men? He is my boss Tom. Right then the easy going English massif that was lying down beside me sprang to life. Barking and growling as she tried to attack Tom. Whoa big puppy! Easy does it. Michael what has gotten into your dog? I have not seen her like this since I tried to help a couple stay together. Then by the end of the session I had kicked my dog out of the room and I said to them there is nothing that could mend the relationship. Most dogs like me. I don't understand why this one doesn't. She does not like you because she knows you are a jerk Tom. So get out of my life I said that to you a month ago and this dog is telling you the same thing I said a month ago. Whoa calm down you don't have to yell at me like that. Oh you think this is bad then if you don't leave right now. I will show you what me being really pissed off is like. Nice to see you I need to go meet my buddy's now. You better. Once my ex-boyfriend left I just broke down in tears. This was common for me now days. But I was embarrassed that it was in front of my boss. I never wanted him to think I was an emotional wreck. But that is how I felt at that moment. Zoey knew this would happen and pulled out a pack of Kleenex and gave it to me. It was pretty bad that your friend carried Kleenex around with her when she was meeting you out because she knew I cried a lot now days. It was a fifty fifty chance I would cry when we went to get coffee. I took a Kleenex right away. This was not how I planned tonight going at all. Right then I felt a dog's big paw on my lap. The dog looked me right in my eyes and whined. Are you trying to comfort me girl? Right then that big dog licked my face and I started to laugh. You know that guy is bad for me and you told him off. Didn't you sweetie? That big dog started to try to get on my lap now. No you can't get on my lap. You are too big to be a lap dog. Silly girl. I have never seen her do this before. I am so sorry Daisy. No it's okay this is the first time I started crying and then laughing all of a sudden because a big slobbery dog is trying to get on my lap. I am glad my dog makes you laugh. For a minute there, I thought I might need to go into counsellor mode. Don't worry none of that tonight. Unless any of my friends come up to me and want to tell me their problems. You will be helping them. You still their counsellor Daisy? Yeah I am. I guess in grade eight you kind of heard my friends go into meltdowns in front of me and I had to calm them down and try to help them. Yeah I did. Um am I inviable here or are people just ignoring me tonight. Sorry Zoey we need to catch up on our lives. The last time I saw him and same with you Zoey was when he was this shy awkward boy that would rather not come to school then talk to one of the girls in our class. I looked to Michael and he started to laugh. My heart started to race. His laugh I missed so much since grade eight. I have not heard someone laugh like he did. I remember that side of myself still and if you ask some of my clients I sometimes act like the same person from back then. Really? Yeah. But you are so out going now. Hey my wife taught me a lot like how to be a proper gentlemen not slamming the door in women faces. Zoey laughed. I did too. Remembering how pissed off when he did that to us in grade eight. Yeah we cursed about you when you did that to us or the library helper girls would rant all that break about you guys not doing the work. Yeah I know you did talk about me behind my back. Both of you actually did. But hey I had to do what I had to do to get those girls dreaming over me to stop and still be nice about it. Right then five puppies and another English massif was walking down the street. The dog that was on top of me jumped off of me and then started to whine and tried to get at the dogs. Okay now you want to go Babe. I thought you wanted to stay here. Michael mom is tired of watching your daughter. Hey Nicole. I am kind of relaxing after a hard day at work. When I looked to the puppies I melted. Oh my goodness they are so adorable. Yeah I know they are. But they are troublesome little rascals. Aren't you pups? I noticed Babe sitting beside the male dog and the male dog had his head on Babe's head. Zoey pointed to the two dogs and I nodded my head. Daisy are you free tomorrow? Why Michael? Because I kind of was wondering if you could start working tomorrow. I have a really tough crowd coming in tomorrow and I kind of need a caring person on my team. I will be there. Thanks. You welcome. Maybe the three of us could do this again sometime. Even if it was a coincidence. I really enjoyed the time to laugh and enjoy myself for once. Especially talking about our old elementary school days. Yeah we would love to get together with you again. I glared at Zoey. Sometimes not all of the time she spoke her mind. This was one of those times. Well see you Zoey sometime around and see you tomorrow Daisy. Have a goodnight you two. Yep you too. Once he was gone from view Zoey and I talked for hours more about him and how we must talk to each other tomorrow about how my first day at the job was. But one thing I never told Zoey because I was scared we would get into an argument was that when he left he turned to smile at one of us. Which one was a different story and I never knew who he smiled at. I hoped and wished it was me. But I never knew for certain if it was me or not that he smiled at.

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