Chapter 33

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Okay two dogs done. Now the big horse of a dog. Michael you are used to bathing huge dogs. Yeah I know Chase is only a puppy and he is already big. Yeah I know. Come on let's bath him and then clean the house. Yeah do you have a lint roller in your house by chance? Yeah I do. Don't worry I need one too. Yeah those two dogs shed after they get bath like I don't know what. Pappy is the big shedder in my house and May. Yeah. As we started to bath Chase. I looked over at Michael and he had the same look on his face for the third time since we knew each other. A look that the only thing I could describe it as was a look of wanting to tell me something. Right as I was grabbing the hose Michael also grabbed it at the same time. His hand was on top of mine. My heart started to race. He took my hand in his. He smiled at me. I couldn't believe that he was holding my hand on purpose. My suspicions that he liked me grew. I was almost certain that he liked me now. If not then why would he be holding my hand. When he let go of my hand he looked away and got up from the ground. Um you want me to mop the house as you finish this dog off? Yeah sure. As he went inside. I smiled ear to ear. He held my hand and it was not a dream. I quickly finished bathing and brushing Chase and when I went inside the floors were clean and water that was splashed on the walls was gone. Michael you cleaned all this up. I smiled at him as he mopped my living room. Yeah I did. Remember Daisy I cleaned my townhouse when my wife was alive in less then an hour before I had to go to work. Yeah I guess. If you do the dishes in the kitchen Daisy we can go on a walk. Yeah sure. As I did the dishes I heard Michael on his phone. I snuck down the hall to eavesdrop. I hoped my skills when I was younger still worked as good as they did when I was young and in elementary school. In elementary school that was my favorite hobby and I found a lot of things out about the teachers that way. The only words I heard him speak was soon I will not now but I am getting there. I have to go see you later Ben talk to you later. Daisy you little sneak you were listening in. No I just heard the last part. Oh okay that's good. Why were you talking about me? Michael turned beat red like the day I asked him if he liked me. No Daisy I was just asking how Zoey was because Ben posted something on Facebook saying it was going to be a long day at the hospital. Oh did you find out what was wrong? Yeah Zoey was not feeling well for a few days and so she was not eating or drinking. So they admitted her to the hospital she is staying over night. Oh okay. Daisy ready for that walk. Yeah I am. Is it okay if I go on a walk like this? Yeah no reason to change we are only going on a walk. Yeah I guess. As we walked down a pathway in the park I felt his hand again in mine. But this time he turned me to look at him. The same look I saw a lot now and I was used to it. But this time the look was different like he was thinking of something really hard almost like he was studying me. Daisy I think you can deal with your dad's parents today. Really? Yeah you guys have came along way since I got involved. I know. But I am scared you don't know how scared I am. He held my hand and rubbed his thumb and the palm of my hand. I know you are scared Daisy. But I promise you it will be fine. Is that one of your consoling lines? No I never use that line when I counselor. It sounds like you said it before. Right then the sadness in Michael's eyes were evident. It just broke my heart to see him like that. Daisy I did say it before. Who did you say it too? Michael let go of my hand and started to walk again. My wife Daisy I said it to my wife. Daisy my wife Vicky as I normally called her had one side of her family they never talked for I think thirteen years. When I hired her and she told me how she never talked to this one side of the family. Also, she never talked to her parents for five years. I could not believe it. So I started to help her with the situation and by the end of her life we went over there almost every day to even share a funny story we enjoyed the time with them. So this is not the first time you got a family back together? No not at all. Right then an old man walked up to us. Hey Mike how is Victoria? Good Paul. She is a handful though. Daisy knows for sure how bad she is. Michael the only reason I know how bad she is because you stick me with her. Yeah some days I do. Who is she? Paul she is.........I notice Michael stall and smile at me. She is my friend. It seems like you are more then friends. No just friends. Okay fine. But I am not like my wife you know. Paul I will talk to you over there. Yeah sure. Um Daisy can you wait here I need to talk to Paul for a minute. Yeah sure Michael. Thanks. I watched as Michael left towards a bench. Where I could not hear him speak. I wondered what Michael needed to talk to him about. But I was not going to eavesdrop any more on him. At least not today. Tomorrow might be a different story though.  

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