Chapter 1

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I was so nervous for this job interview as a receptionist for a counsellor. I was only twenty seven and most people would over look me because I was young. This was not my dream job. But it was a job that paid pretty good so I was happy. I put my résumé out at a lot of places for receptionist work. For one reason and that was that I could just sit and not be standing for long periods of time. But only this job called me for an interview. Only twenty dollars per hour I was happy if I got this job. At least then I could pay my bills and keep my debt low. Something with the last name of the boss seemed familiar to me. But I couldn't figure why it was so familiar to me. An old women was at the desk crying. I applied to this job blindly almost. My mom told me about the position and I just applied. I never even knew who ran it. But I waited patiently for my interview. As patiently you can do when you really needed a job and with every passing second the job could be given to someone else. The door opened that I guess was the bosses office. A young man maybe a little bit younger then me looked at me. He had the same sad and almost defeated look on his face like his fill in receptionist. I always pictured him being older then me. But he was around my age. Running one of the more known counselling business's in the city. Miss. Finch. Yes. I will interview you in a minute. Okay. I listened in what he said to the fill in receptionist. Could you watch her for a bit mom? Yeah sure. But you got to bring her to the daycare sooner or later. I know that. But I can't make myself to do it right now. Okay. A little girl that had brown hair and green eyes looked around She looked about a year old and toddled to the receptionist. She made me smile. Little kids always had that effect on me. At one point in my life I wanted to work with small kids. I still did. But I couldn't because of chronic pain that stole my freedom away from me and my dream job. Now I was starting over at an easier job just being a receptionist just to pay the bills and to keep the food on the table for my family of dogs. I was startled out of my mind once again. By him calling my name. Miss. Finch come right in. He closed the door behind him as I sat down in his office. I knew very soon it would be Advil time again. When he sat down at his desk he seemed so familiar to me. But I couldn't put my finger on it why that was the case. I noticed him running his hand though his brown hair smiling at me. That gesture reminded me of back in elementary school. But I was being silly. It couldn't be him? But the next thing out of his mouth shocked me. You don't recognize me do you Miss. Finch? No I don't. But your last name seems familiar. Also you look familiar to me. My name is Michael. Recognition hit me all at once. Who this was right in front of me. The only thing that I could get out of my mouth was oh my this can't be happening. I turned away from this man for a second to try to calm myself down. I couldn't show that I was panicking in front of him. I was that kind of closed off person. It can't be you. Um Michael here is your coffee. Thanks for buying it for me today I kind of forgot my wallet at home. No problem. But you owe me buddy. Big time. I know I do. Ben is that you? Yes Daisy. Long time no see. I got to get going. But I probably will see you around. Yeah probably you will. Ben left and I was freaking out right know. I was getting interviewed by my grade eight crush and I talked to his best friend that worked in the same building as him. Was it even possible that he got even cuter since grade eight? Daisy is everything okay? Yeah I am just shocked. I have not seen you since our graduation in grade eight. I know. So Daisy how is your life doing? Well I just broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. He was not right for me. We were dating for seven months I am sorry to here that. It's okay. Sometimes I just think I should just move out east and try getting a job out there like I originally planned. Well don't give up on this old city just yet. I won't. But soon I will. You know when I got your résumé I was shocked. What that I am applying to be a receptionist? No I am just shocked that you were applying for a job at my office. Why is that shocking? I just thought you would deal with young kids or animals. You almost always like melted when you saw a cute fluffy puppy or a kitten. I wanted to work with animals for the longest time. I then wanted to work with young kids. I worked with young kids for a while. But now I have to get my pain under control before going back to a job I really loved. Till then I have to deal with being a receptionist. So you are in pain right now? Yep. But I don't forces on it much. Really? Yeah. Wow you are strong. Sometimes I am strong. But some days it is harder to get out of bed and face the world. It just depends on my pain level for the day and my emotional wellbeing. So Michael is that your daughter? Yeah she just turned a year a month ago. So I guess you have settled down and have a wife and a beautiful daughter. I actually am not surprised that you are married. Actually you are wrong Daisy on that one. What do you mean? My wife died three months ago. Oh I am so sorry. Yeah it has been tough on me. Especially since I am a single dad too. She was my love of my life. Do you remember grade five at all Daisy? Yes I do Michael. I remember making a card for you after your grandfather passed away. Oh my I still have that. What you do? Yeah I actually bring it with me everywhere. Um that's weird. No it gives me inspiration to keep on going and get out of bed every morning knowing some one cared about me. Even if it had been years ago. You know this is an interview not a reunion. Yeah I know. Daisy why should I hire you? Well I dealt with a lot of crap in my life and I care to help people the best I can. Have you been to university for being a counsellor? No I have not. But I do have a lot of experience being people's counsellor. You could become a counsellor. No I have my own problems to deal with and they are enough for me to deal with. Also if you don't want to put your daughter in a day care I could watch her for you as you work. You would do that for me? I mean not to sound un professional but my mother thought that was out of range to find a receptionist that would watch my daughter. Hey the pretty ones won't lift a finger and watch a kid. But I would. It is somewhat funny how some people never change. What do you mean? You know Zoey. Yeah your best friend. Well we keep talking and she says she would love to see how people's lives are like now. Yeah I know your friend had a big crush on me in grade seven and eight. Yeah she did. I kind of liked you too. Man I was a ladies man back then my friends always said that. But I tried to ignore that. Yeah you kind of can't ignore people likening you. No kidding. Daisy you know of all of the people I interviewed today I am going to hire you. Do you know that? But why? I have a feeling I can get you to become a counsellor for my business. Maybe just tell me that with a cute puppy in your hands and smile. When you tell me that later on. That is not what I was expecting to hear. But okay then. When can I start? What about next week. Fine by me. Okay see you then. Okay bye. Yep bye. As I left that interview my heart started to race. Could it be possible I was falling for him again. I was not even over my break up with my boyfriend and he seemed like he was not over his wife. By by. I smiled at his daughter that was waving at me and I waved my hand back. She was so cute. When I got into the car I got out the card he made me in grade five from my purse and read it and smiled. I knew who I had to meet tonight at Starbucks to talk about this interesting interview I had. When I drove home the first thing I did was pull out my old year book and got the phone. But first I looked to his picture and the way he smiles in that grad photo made me smile like I won the lottery. I had to tell myself it was just a dream. It felt like I was in a dream. But I knew I wasn't and if this was a dream we would have been married. It made me sad that we are just acquaintances and I am his receptionist nothing more nothing less and that is what It would be forever. Even if I wished and prayed for more. It wouldn't be nothing more then us being acquaintances for my life.

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