Chapter one

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"There he is, heh, that guy has no shame" Alfred looked to Francis, who kept flirting with the girls in the office. "Hey, people have the things they like to do, and he just happens to be a flirt," I laughed, shaking my head and turning away from him. Yao looked over the counter at Alfred and me. "Are the both of you going to the office party tonight?" "Can't; Kiku and I are having a special date" Alfred smiled happily as he thought about his fiancé. "At least you are going, right, Arthur?" Yao asked, Hopeful, and I nodded.

"Yes! I will be a little late... I am not in the mood to leave work and see people from work again" I laughed as they all chuckled. "I feel ya," Alfred tried to hold in his laugh. "Great, we all know you do not drink much so you will be my designated driver" Yao looked at me excitedly. "Of course, that was the only thing you wanted me there for. "I plan to get completely wasted," I joked, and Alfred made an amused face. "Wasted? What are we seventeen?" He laughed as I shook my head.

"In other words, dead drunk," I laughed as Yao nodded. "You are the worst drunk in the world; please don't" Yao looked down, horrified. "I am not, and it saddens me that you think that" I laughed at them. "HEY!!!! Yao, are you going tonight?" Francis came out of nowhere as he placed an arm around his shoulder. "Yes....." Yao said sadly as he moved away from him. "He will be with me, "I said, looking to Francis. He has no boundaries, and it is vulgar. "Ahhh? Eyebrows are finally getting out for once. How many drinks will it take this time, two?" He asked, laughing, and I felt my face heat up in anger.

"That shot was strong!" I defended, and he continued to laugh at me. This guy was annoying; I wanted to punch his stubble right off his face. "Sure thing Arthur" he laughed, looking at me teasingly. "See you there, The both of you tonight," Francis added as he smirked at me before skipping off to god knows where. "You seem to dislike him," Alfred pointed out, and I shook my head. "No, not at all. I get annoyed hearing his voice" I laughed.


"Where are you?!" Yao asked over the phone. "I am right outside; calm down," I laughed, parking my car at Gilbert's house. Once I did, Yao ended the call suddenly, making me shake my head. The party was at Gilbert's home. Since it was his turn to host the annual party, our office had to help us "bond" more efficiently. Even though almost everyone gets drunk on their ass, I would sometimes call a cab for many of them. I knocked on the door, and Antonio opened it quickly, pulling me inside the house with great force. I looked around, and there were people playing poker and drinking or just dancing to some weird music.

"Glad you could make it, old man!" Antonio smiled, patting my back roughly. "No problem," I laughed, holding the spot he hit hard. "Francis would not stop talking about you coming; what a funny thing," Antonio mockingly looked at me as I lifted a brow, confused. "As if that frog would care" I shook my head, trying to walk away, but he kept me in that spot. That is when I started to smell the stench of booze oozing off of him. He was probably halfway drunk or extremely drunk, and I could not tell which it was.

The party started at eight and was already twelve, so I am not surprised he was almost drunk. "Where is Yao?" I asked, and Antonio pointed upstairs. I was not in the mood to talk to drunken fools like him. It only made me want not to drink. Especially if I might be a drunken fool such as himself. I looked around upstairs and saw Yao on the floor with a beer cup. Whenever he got drunk, he would chant weird things in Chinese, so I was a bit satisfied he was not fully conscious of scaring the hell out of me.

"Come on, let's get you home," I said, lifting him, but he was a bit heavy. "You need help there?" Francis looked at me as he walked up the stairs. "I am excellent, thank you very much" I looked at him, annoyed as he laughed. "You are a difficult one, Arthur. Now, did you just get here?" Francis asked, and I nodded. "And it seems I will have to cut it short since Yao decided to get dead drunk" I shook my head as I adjusted him over my shoulder. "Let me help you" he smiled, and I backed away before he could lay a hand on Yao. "Don't you have girls to flirt with right now or something?" I asked, and his smile disappeared.

"Honestly, that hurt. Just let me help," he tried again, and I dropped Yao on the floor, backing up quickly. I also fell to the ground as well. "Jiāo huàn dàn chū dào xià yī gè tíng zhî. Bù yáo bâi de rén," Yao chanted as Francis grabbed my hand to try to help me up. "Let go," I said, feeling a shock coming from our hands. "Sorry, I just wanted to help," he started to pout as I picked Yao up once more to take him home.

"Listen, you just got here, just lay him on a bed and come have a drink with me," Francis suggested, and I shook my head. "Sorry, I think I really shouldn't," I explained, and he stopped me again. "Please? Just one," he asked, and I breathed out defeated. "Fine"

This is my new story!!!!! Hopefully, you like it ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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