Chapter twenty-nine

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"Next I would like to welcome up and say thank you to Arthur, he has always acted as a father figure to me. He and Matthew have always been here for me, and I owe them everything. Without them, I would be a worried mess all the time" Alfred smiled as cheers erupted from all corners of the room. I stood up from my seat to walk in front of the crowd to speak. I am still on the edge of what happened...... I told Francis, now I can't seem to focus straight. "Hello, I am Alfred's cousin, but I guess I am his father too sometimes."

People laughed as I struggled to look up. I looked over to the seat Francis should have been sitting in, and of course, he was not there. I am so stupid; what have I done? "Alfred and Kiku were meant for each other. I remember when Alfred first met Kiku, he would not shut up about him" I said smiling slyly. I looked to Matthew, who noticed how troubled I looked. So much that he sat up straight in his seat. "Alfred was afraid Kiku would not like him, so I encouraged him to just go for it. I guess that is why he bothers me about dating now."

More laughter erupted as I tried to hold up a fake smile. dear Francis...I do not deserve to live with myself. I felt a tear fall down my cheek, Alfred soon noticed my agony. "Alfred, I am glad you were honest with your feelings....not everyone can be that strong," I said sadly. People started to look at me oddly as I started actually to cry. "I hope the both of you will be happy forever, or as much as you can be"

I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to turn around. "Okay, let's go" Matthew looked at me. "But I need to do this," I said sadly. Matthew shook his head, pulling me away from the podium. "Let's talk," He said sadly. Alfred looked at us worried as he stood up, clinging a fork against his cup to get everyone's attention. "He is just emotional from the wedding, everyone have a good time! Excuse me for a second," Alfred announced. Matthew pulled me into the hallway, as Alfred followed behind me. "Arthur, What happened? Where's Francis?" Matthew asked, and I shook my head, crying more. 

Alfred came to me and stared at me concerned. "Dude, are you okay?" Alfred asked. I looked to Matthew, who had a worried face. I guess I should tell them what happened. "Alright, Fine..... I will tell you the truth," I said. Matthew nodded as Alfred looked at me, confused. I wiped my face from the tears, still feeling extremely sad. I deserve to be shot or something. Francis will never forgive me, especially after what happened. I am feeling it......I really am an asshole. Yao changed us back, but I regret everything.

~ An hour ago~

I was looking around the outside of the reception hall Through a window. I saw how it was starting to snow. Figures, it is winter after all. "Would you like me to get you some food, Arthur?" Francis smiled at me happily. "No, I can do it. No worries there," I laughed. Francis nodded as we both walked to serve ourselves some food. "Isn't the snow beautiful?" I asked. Looking out the window, Francis turned to me with a smile full of love. "I think I have seen more beautiful things" he smiled. My eyes widened at his remark; I knew he was trying to talk about me.

After serving ourselves food, we took a seat beside each other. I had no idea when I would have the chance to do it. This was getting harder every second I waited. "Hey Francis, do you think we could go look at the decorations outside together? After we finish," I smiled a friendly smile. His eyes sparked at my request as he nodded excitedly. "Yes! that would be amazing; I am sure it looks amazing outside with all those lights they were hanging up" he pushed the hair out of his face.

I looked across the table, seeing Yao. I had a feeling he knew I figured it out. Ever since the wedding ceremony, he has been giving me a smirk. A smirk as if he knew every single thing I was planning. It scared me a bit, but I tried to act natural as much as I could. I looked back to Francis, who kept smiling with happiness. His acting so innocent all the time tugs at my heartstrings. I love him so much. I smiled a bit at him trying to pull myself together. I can't get distracted at a time like this.

I saw Yao throw his plate away, then head outside with his coat on. "Hey, let's go outside right now" I smiled. Francis nodded excitedly as he shoved the rest of his food down his mouth. It reminded me of Alfred whenever he got excited about something while eating. I had only eaten half of my food, but I was not hungry all that much. "Let's go this way" I pointed to a set of doors. It was away from the doors Yao had left out of before.

"Okay then," Francis chirped. He followed behind me as we walked out of the building. It was already dark outside, and there was a light snow falling from the sky. Lights were hanging all around the building, and it just looked absolutely stunning. "Let's go over here," Francis pulled me. There was a gazebo here with fake flowers all around it, along with lights. I looked around and saw a shadow in the corner of my eyes. Yao was here; of course he was; he knew exactly what I was planning. "Sit with me" Francis smiled innocently. "Yes, of course."

Thanks for reading so far❤️

Next chapter get your tissues ready lmao.

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