Chapter thirty-two (final!!!)

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"Arthur!! We finally found you!" I heard Alfred's voice. Francis and I turned around to see Alfred carrying Yao in his arms. Oh great.....
Ivan and Matthew were following Behind him, a bit worried. "Well, have anything to say?" Alfred asked Yao. While Yao looked away from Francis and me, Alfred looked highly pissed off at him. "Alfred, that is enough" I looked at him, annoyed. "But he legit cursed you both, and you won't even get an apology?" Alfred tried to defend himself. Before I could speak, Francis stopped me. "Actually, there is one thing" Francis smiled.

Francis stood up as I continued to look at him in a confused way. "What is it, dude?" Alfred asked. Francis smiled, shaking his head. He stood in front of Yao with an evil smirk. However, Yao kept looking away from Francis, I am pretty sure Yao does not care that he did it to us, nor will he ever say sorry. "See you in hell" Francis smirked. My eyes widened as Francis punched Yao in the face really hard. Causing Yao to fall to the floor. "Fuckkk," Yao groaned. Alfred, Matthew, and Ivan stared at him shocked, as I still had my eyes widened.

"Well....I guess that settles it" Alfred laughed out nervously. "We can call him a cab, no worries" Matthew smiled nervously. Alfred and Matthew each grabbed a leg of Yao, starting to drag him through the snow. Gosh, they are so brutal, wildly after Francis punched him extremely hard. "I am sorry that this happened" Ivan looked at us, worried. "It is not your fault; it is fine" I reassured.  Ivan nodded sadly as he turned away. Starting to walk off in the direction Alfred and Matthew were dragging Yao to.

I finally stood up from the ground in awkward silence. Francis finally turned to me, smiling his usual sweet smile. "I forgive you Arthur..... and believe you....but you have to go on a date with me Friday" Francis winked. I chuckled out a bit, staring at him. "That is a relief.....I was worried you would probably never forgive me" I explained.
"Wait, a date!!!???"
"Why yes!"
"Where to?"
"It is a secret."
"What do I wear?"
"Clothes, silly"
"No I mean... huh never mind" I gave up seeing the bright smile on Francis's face. "Fine...I suppose I could go on a date with you."

Francis walked closer to me, pulling me in for a hug. "I know.... thank you," he whispered. I continued to let him hold me tightly. I felt safe again, I could not help but wrap my arms around him as well. "What a lovely night, isn't it?" I asked. "Not as lovely as you" Francis smiled against my neck. I looked up to the snowfallen sky, closing my eyes. What a relief that everything was fine.


"Wake up!!!! It is morning" I felt someone shake me as I opened my eyes slowly. "What?" I asked, confused, looking around and seeing Antonio and Gilbert hovering over me. "Dude! You got so wasted!!" They laughed as I scrunched my nose up, concerned. Where the bloody hell was Francis? That bastard owes me for the trouble I went through to drag his drunk ass up the steps. "Where is Yao?" I asked, looking around. "He is over there," Gilbert pointed to him by slapping Francis on the floor. "You okay, Arthur?" Yao asked. I nodded a yes, making him smile.

Suddenly, Francis started to wake up as well. "Ahhh, my head, I had the weirdest dream ever," he laughed nervously. Francis looked around, and his eyes stopped on me. "Oh hey...." he said slowly. "Are you okay, Arthur? You look a bit unwell" Yao came by my side. "I am fine... you know, I had a weird dream too, but I can't really remember what it was" I looked at Francis. "I am sure it is nothing" Yao smiled at me. "Yes, I suppose you are right" I nodded, still confused.

I looked over to Francis, who kept staring at me, confused. "Are you okay?" I asked, to which he quickly nodded a yes. "Oui..... hey, do you think we can hang out together sometime? Preferably on Friday?" Francis asked. We all looked at him confused, seeing him get a little embarrassed. Friday..... I have no idea why, but I wanted to go, really badly. "Yeah...I actually would really want to go," I laughed out nervously. However, Gilbert, Antonio, and Yao continued to look at Francis and me in a very confusing way.

Francis and I stood up from the floor, still looking at each other. It was like we were trying to figure out what was wrong with the situation but kept failing. "I have this strange feeling that I need to be with you on Friday" he looked at me in a very serious way. " too," I laughed, still looking at Francis. "Okay, stop staring at each other already," Antonio said, uncomfortable. Francis nodded, trying to look away from me, but we still wondered what was so wrong. "Well...see you soon," I said. Yao grabbed my hand, trying to pull me along, but something kept trying to get me to stay.

This was getting extremely weird now. "Yes, for sure....can't wait" Francis smiled slowly at me. Somehow his smile made something snap in me.... he was extremely cute. I smiled back at him, and he soon turned red. "Let's go!!!!" Yao yelled, finally pulling me towards him. "What was that about?" Yao asked. "I have no idea...but I have this strange feeling that something happened between us...but I do not remember such a thing....isn't that the oddest thing?" I asked, turning to Yao. "Yes! Extremely odd, now let's go already; Alfred is expecting the both of us soon," Yao brushes off. However, I could not brush it off. I looked back behind me, seeing Francis in the doorway, looking extremely confused at me.

It was so real......

That's it for this book!!!! Thank you all for reading, the support motivates me. Also, no worries I will have more books out. I have another I plan to make next...along with some one shots. I plan to do one shots on the weekends till I I finish requests, while I will be writing my FrUK books on the weekdays. How fun!!!!

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☝︎☝︎☝︎☝︎☝︎

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