Chapter twenty-two

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Francis looked hurt, but why would he be hurt? He has a girlfriend!!! "My bad, I did not know someone would walk in. Please excuse me..... see you later, Arthur," Lucile whispered to me as she walked away, embarrassed. After Lucile left the room, Francis gave me a look of anger. "What?" I asked. Francis walked closer to me, and I was actually scared. "You told me you did not have a crush on her anymore?"
"What?! She kissed me! You can't blame that on me. Also, why were you watching us? How much did you hear anyway?" I crossed my arms in annoyance.

"I just saw the both of you kissing; then I was the one kissing her" Francis made a shiver. He looked back at me as I tried to keep a straight face. At least I did not have to experience that, and she was actually more like a sister to me nowadays than she was when I was younger. "It's not like it meant anything to me, besides! Why are you getting mad at me as I belong to you? Newsflash, I don't, and I am allowed to kiss whoever I want. It is not your business."

He jumped back from my voice, looking at me with annoyance. "I guess our kiss meant nothing to you," he whispered, looking down. However, it was loud enough to hear. I have no idea precisely what it meant, and we are friends, so I brushed it off as nothing. "We are friends, shouldn't that answer it for you?" I asked, confused, and he slowly looked up at me. "So....was I the only one that felt my heart beat profoundly? The only one to felt butterflies or an urge to do it again? Was it just me?"

"No....but I-."
"So, What is it, Arthur? How do you really feel about me?"
"I just... you are a good friend, and I- I don't know," I breathed out, confused as he stared. "You have a girlfriend, Francis; I don't think these types of questions are appropriate," I added. His eyebrows furrowed angrily as he walked closer to me. "I am surprised of you," he said sadly. I looked at him sadly as we heard the door open. "Oh, hey guys," we both turned, seeing Yao smirking brightly as ever. "What do you want?" Francis looked at Yao angrily.

"Assuming by that reaction I was right all along, aren't I right? Arthur?" Yao smirked, looking at me as I thought about the last time we spoke alone. He said that I would hurt Francis for not returning his feelings.... but that means that Francis likes me. That does not make sense if he has a girlfriend; that legit doesn't make any sense. "You are completely wrong; that is not the reason; we just happened to switch at the wrong time," I told as Yao nodded. He looked to Francis, who was confused about what we were talking about.

"Seems That our buddy here is confused; maybe you should share some light on the subject, Arthur?" Yao smiled, pushing me in front of Francis. Yao looked at both of us, smiling excitedly. "What is he talking about?" Francis asked angrily. "Wow, you didn't; I was just guessing," Yao added, laughing. I am screwed....not even the good kind either. "Well?! What is it?!" Francis yelled, making me jump back. "Yes, Arthur, go on," Yao laughed. The pressure was getting to much that I pushed between them leaving. It will break his heart more if Yao tells him so be it.

What was I supposed to do, though? I did not think he had feelings for me. Then Francis had to ask me how I felt about him. I do not even have my head screwed on tightly; how am I supposed to know? How on earth am I supposed to know how I feel about someone when I do not know how to think about myself? I quickly walked into the ballroom area, seeing Alfred getting along with Kiku's family. At least he will be happy. Alfred deserves that the most. Yao is right, and I am an asshole.

I walked outside to the gazebo lit up with lights hitting against the flowers surrounding it. "I am stupid," I breathed out. I put my face in my palms, groaning. I wonder what Alfred would do in this type of situation. "Hey Arthur, what's wrong, eh?" I turned, seeing Matthew there staring at me, concerned. I sat up quickly, smiling, "oh nothing...Francis and I kind of got into an argument, and I left the situation; I literally ran away," I laughed out. Matthew took a seat on the bench beside me "ahhhh, well, will you say sorry?"

"Me? I guess I was in the wrong. I never told him the truth, and it backfired" I rubbed my forehead, frustrated. "Was it important? Or was it something you knew would hurt his feelings?"Matthew asked in a wise tone. "Ha, well, it would have hurt his feelings if I told him," I thought about it. "Well, then I guess it is not all that bad. Maybe if you tell him that you thought it would hurt him to know, maybe? Hahaha, I am not the best at advising myself," he laughed out sweetly.

"You are right!!!! Thank you, maybe he will understand if I tell him I was only looking out for him" I smiled, thinking about it. Francis was best friend; I wouldn't say I liked the thought of him hating me. "Listen, Arthur.... do you really not have feelings for Francis? It's just that anyone who was just friends would have thought that the other person would get over it, but..... you are legit worried and sad," Matthew pointed out. My eyes widened at his words as I looked down. "I do not know, I mean, I think he is attractive and amazing to be around, and it did break my heart hearing that he had a girlfriend....but how do I even know" I looked back to Matthew, who was trying to hold in a laugh.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️

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