Chapter three

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"Oh no, my beautiful, beautiful face, it has been replaced with an eyebrow demon from hell," Francis whined, looking into the mirror."Hey, shut it! Do you think I am fond of sounding like some French bastard all the time?" I asked, crossing my arms. Some hair got in my face, and I tried to blow it out, but it would not budge. "I swear I will end up cutting this mop of hair," I said, annoyed, and he looked at me, horrified. "Anything but that!!!" He yelled as I pushed him away from me.

"If you touch my hair, I will not hesitate to wax these monstrous things" he pointed to his eyebrows, making me gasp. "Jokes On you, my hair grows fast; see how long that lasts," I mocked him. "You British bastard!" He complained, making me laugh at him. "Me? I am French, though," I joked, and he stomped his foot. It was odd talking to myself, but I felt better about it knowing I was talking to Francis. "HEY, ARE THE BOTH OF YOU OKAY??!!" There was a knock on the door as we both stumbled around to compose ourselves.

"Indeed," I said, opening the door. "Idiot! I never say that!" Francis angry whispered to me, nudging me hard. "Right, we very good," I corrected, looking at them. Gilbert, Antonio, and Yao stared at us, concerned, as we stepped out of the restroom. "Why were the both of you in there?" Yao looked past me to Francis in my body.

"Blimey, I lost the pot feeling a bit wonky last night....chap? This nutter over there, Francis Bonnefoy, which is not me certainly....was a plonker of the sorts. I hope you understand what I mean," Francis said nervously, making me slap my forehead. "We can do without the British slang, please," I whispered as he breathed out in relief. Do I sound like that? "Uhhhhh.....okay?" Yao said, confused, looking at him. "Francis? Anything to say?" Antonio asked, a bit worried, and I smiled at him. Damn, I am nervous now, too; no wonder Francis screwed it up. All I have to do is act like him, simple.

"Oui Oui, I just wanted to "talk" I looked to the both of them, making Antonio and Gilbert laugh. "What is up with the air quotes," Francis asked, confused as I shrugged. "Now then, fran-Arthur and I have some things to "discuss," so we will see you later," I added, grabbing Francis to pull him down the stairs. "Oh, okay" Antonio looked confused. "Wait! Arthur, I thought..." Yao pulled Francis closer to him and whispered stuff in his ear. I have a feeling I know what it was too.

"Come on," I said, pulling him towards me. However, he looked bothered. Of course, he did. Yao probably told him that I don't like him, and now he knows; just fucking great. "What did he say?" I asked, and Francis ignored me. "You know, ignoring me will only make things difficult."I felt like a vein was ready to pop out of my forehead. "Let's just go" he shook his head, walking beside me. I wonder how long we would stay this way or what caused this.

"Let's go in my car," I suggested forgetting he had my keys. "Huh..." I groaned, walking toward his depressed attitude and taking the keys from inside his pockets. "Go on, let's go now," I told him, pointing for him to sit in the car, which he slowly did. "Arthur..... do you think I am a flirt?" He asked. It was so weird hearing those words come out of my mouth by him. "What did Yao say?" I asked, driving out the driveway.

"That the both of you think I am a flirt, and you do not like me" he looked at me sadly as I tried to keep my eyes on the road. "To be fair, you are one. You never stop flirting with the girls in the office, and it annoys me because you always do it....all the time," I said, being honest as he gasped, shocked. "I am only being nice, like a true gentleman would, unlike yourself. All you do is give everyone attitude and rude looks," he shot at me, making me slam on the breaks hard.

"That fucking hurt bastard!" He said, holding his forehead after the impact from his face on the car. I probably gave myself a bruise from him hitting the front of the vehicle, but I was so mad. "This is your body. I hope you know that," he started to sass as I turned to look at him. "Listen, I am like that because people like YOU think that they can say a couple of nice things and everything will be cupcakes and rainbows when, in fact, the world does not work that way" I was so mad; how could I be stuck in this situation. Out of all the people in the bloody universe, why him?

"Maybe if you tried acting more like me, you would see that it does not hurt to smile once in a while," he spat. "Well, if you tried seeing the way I see things, maybe you would not be such an ass all the time" I crossed my arms, looking away as my eyes widened. We slowly looked at each other as our eyes widened, having the same idea. We were already each other.....just different personalities.

"I give you a week to act like me; you would not be able to do it," he laughed challengingly. "Oh really, a challenge, huh? You would not last acting like me. Your pheromones would try and burst out," I laughed, causing him to smirk. "Then a challenge it is." He added mischievously. I held my hand out to grab it as he took it quickly. He will not last.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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