Chapter Twenty-four

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"I suppose I should go first?" I laughed, looking at Francis. He looked at me, worried about what I was about to say next. "Well, it happened last week. The day Yao talked to me, he did say that he would stop once we got a taste of our own medicine.....but he said I would hurt you," I started. I looked away sadly, about to say the rest. "Hurt me?" Francis asked in an innocent tone. I felt my heart shatter....if he really did feel that way, I would not know what to do.

"He said that I would not return your feelings.....something about it being I told him it was crazy for that to happen since you don't feel that way about me. So there are no feelings there to be unrequited.....on either side" I started seeing his face fall. "Do you still think that way?" Francis looked away. I tried to look him in the eyes, but he kept avoiding my glance. "Well yeah..... we are friends... and you have a girlfriend, and-." He cut me off by grabbing onto my shoulders tightly.

"Arthur, if my feelings really are unrequited, at least give me a straight answer."
"Francis?" I asked, concerned. I lifted a hand to his cheek, wiping his eyes. He was crying....that is why he was trying to look away from me. Now I felt my heart shatter seeing this. "Arthur...I think I have fallen for you.... to the point that I do not think I could get out of. You have grown on me, and that kiss was just the peak of my feelings.....if you don't love me, I have no idea what to do." My eyes widened at his words.

I was the reason for his tears... Yao was right; I was an asshole. To top it off, I do not know if I should even return his feelings. I might just hurt him more; seeing him this sad made me want to beat myself up. " me?" I asked, concerned, looking down. What do I even do? What would Alfred say in this situation? God, I don't know. "So you don't feel the same way..." Francis stood up, looking back at me. "Francis, I-...." I started but could not finish what I wanted to say. Heck, I did not even know what I wanted to say.

Francis was handsome, kind, funny, romantic, and my best friend. I liked kissing him, and I would do it again. "FRANCIS, I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!" I opened my eyes, and I had switched bodies with him again. "What is it, Arthur?" Francis asked, making my eyes widen. I only thought of saying it....I can't believe I didn't say it. I am so stupid, the most foolish person in the world. "Wait a have a girlfriend!!!" I pointed out, making Francis laugh nervously. I can't believe I almost said I loved him, knowing he was with someone.

"Of course ...that makes sense..." I laughed as he stared at me, worried. "I knew it; you were just screwing with me. You have a girlfriend; why on earth would you feel that way....this was just some joke" I made a tsk noise with my mouth. I sat up straight, crossing my arms at him. "I can explain that....she is..." he did not finish. "Of course, no way.... were you trying to just get in my pants? Not cool, mate" we switched back to our normal bodies as he dropped his jaw.

I don't feel bad anymore after realizing this. He was just trying to play with my feelings. Maybe I was right about the type of person he was. A flirt, of course, and to think I almost fell for that trap. I think it actually hurt my feelings. Francis started to stamper on his words. As if trying to explain himself. "Listen.... you don't need to explain yourself... " I smiled as he stopped to look at me seriously. "Arthur..... I really do Lov-."
"Nope! Let's just forget this happened.... no worries, Alright?" I used a finger to silence him.

I stood up from the bench, turning towards the exit of the gazebo. We did kiss before he got with Elizabeta.... maybe he was serious? I turned back to him slowly, seeing him pout like a child. "Come now, let's go inside. I am sure Alfred has been waiting for us to come in" Francis nodded, standing beside me. I looked around the gazebo lights one last time before we walked out. Maybe it would have been different if he did not have a girlfriend.

"Arthur! Francis! Sit with us!" Lucile called as she pulled the both of us to a table that had Kiku, Alfred, Yao, and Matthew sitting. Matthew gave me a questioning look but continued to drink his soda. I was seated between Francis and Lucile as she started hugging me. "Arthur, What are you doing on Friday? We should go somewhere nice," Lucile asked. Alfred and Matthew choked on their drinks, still trying to act normal. I looked over to Francis, who was holding his utensil quite was a scary tight. Like he was bout to stab me, god, I hope he doesn't stab me.

"I would, but you see, Francis and I always go out for drinks. It was a tempting offer though" I laughed nervously. Besides the thought of Francis killing me for missing Friday, I don't see Lucile that way at all. I started to drink my soda slowly as she spoke again. "Really? What a waste; I could have shown you a great time Arthur."
I nearly choked on my drink, feeling everyone's eyes on me. "Oh....hahaha, I am sure," I laughed nervously, kicking Alfred's leg under the table. Alfred evilly smirked at me. Great... he was planning something stupid.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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