Chapter seven

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~Arthur POV~
I sat back in my armchair that night, thinking of the events. It did not make sense, but I had to ignore it for now. I picked my bag up to get my things out as I saw a book in there. "Hmmm, this must be the book Yao gave Francis earlier," I said, confused, opening it. The book was bigger than I thought it would be as I examined it. I wonder why Yao would give Francis this book if I never gave it to Yao in the first place. I continued to look at it before deciding to open it.

"Odd seems that there is something scribbled on here," I said, confused as I tried to sound it out. "Zhè jiùshì nǐ dédào de, yīgè wú xiūzhǐ de hǔnluàn xúnhuán" I tried saying out loud, slowly. Suddenly my vision got blank again. "AHHHHH, yes!!!! HARDER!!!" Was all my brain managed to take in as I suddenly came to? I blinked my eyes, confused as I looked around in horror. "AHHHH!!" I screamed, seeing ....seeing...

"What the hell is wrong with that man," I said, wiping my hand quickly, Pushing away the laptop. I lifted the end of his pants quickly, wishing I did not see what I had just seen. Francis was watching gay porn, and I hope I did not see or feel what his body was in the middle of. Especially right in the middle, how the hell did this happen again? "AHHHH FUCK!!!" I heard the man from that disgraceful video yell as I closed it shut, this has been the worst day in my existence, and I want to die.

The phone started ringing as I quickly stood up to answer it; I could guess who it probably was. "Hello?" I asked, a little nervous. "Arthur!!!! It is not what it looks like! Please, please forget what you just saw!!" Francis said nervously over the phone. I felt awful; I am sure he was highly embarrassed. "Arthur! Say something, please!!! Your silence makes it worse. Please tell me you will forget what you saw?" Francis begged as I stayed quiet for another second.

"Saw what?" I asked seriously as much as I could. "Hehe, you are something else," he laughed, relieved from my words. "I guess we are stuck with each other until we figure out why this is happening. I was reading something in Chinese when we switched; I think we should meet up right away," I stated thoughtfully. This has more to it than I thought. I do not want to believe that writing was written in Chinese. If the writing is connected to us changing again, the only option is to translate it and figure out if Yao is the culprit. If he made this spell, it might be easy to break, considering he has little experience in magic. At least, I think he doesn't.

"Should I go to you or the other way around?" Francis asked. "I will come to you; see you soon," I answered. "Very well," he said, hanging the phone up. I walked into his kitchen and quickly washed my hands. "Damn it!!!" I shouted, slamming my fist on the countertop. The realization finally hit me, and I popped into Francis's body at the worst time. In his private time, he was jerking off. FUCK!!!!!!

I felt my face turn red as I tried to compose myself. "I need to go" I shook my head as I took the keys on his countertop, leaving his house. I looked around outside as I pulled the car keys out. "Sorry about this," I laughed, walking towards his car. As I was about to open the car door, my vision vanished. I opened my eyes to see that I was back inside my house. I was faced in front of the mirror, looking at myself. This was getting extremely weird every time. Why is this happening more frequently now? It took hours to be back to normal the first time, and now it is only a matter of minutes before I return to my body.

"Hopefully, Francis still comes," I said, looking at my phone's call log to redial the number to his house. Hopefully, he answers as well. If this keeps happening, I need his number or something to contact him quickly. After waiting two minutes, he finally answered. "Will you still come?" I asked. "Yes, What is your address?" He asked, breathing out as if he had rushed to get the phone.

"It is 511 Oakland Ave," I explained as he hummed a yes. "I will be there quickly. Hopefully, we do not change while I am going. I will walk instead of taking the car for safety," he laughed. "Okay then, be safe," I said before hanging the phone up. I looked around and saw the book lying on the floor faced down as if when he switched, he quickly rushed to get up. I cleaned my house a bit and placed the book away on a shelf.

After five minutes of waiting, my eyes went blank once more. I looked around and was outside my house, fist up, ready to knock. I quickly hit the door, and it opened in a second. "This is annoying," I said, shaking my head as I stepped inside. "Maybe it will be safe if we stayed together for a while. We never know when it happens, and who knows if the time frame will shift multiple times," Francis stated, closing the door shut.

He was right, though; I was about to get into a car, which would have been dangerous. We could have gotten hurt. "Let's take a look at that book" I looked at the clock, seeing that it was already ten at night. "Yes, please," he laughed nervously as he took a seat. We needed to end this cycle and what was causing it.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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