Chapter twenty-six

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"This is a turn of events," Yao whispered, sipping on his drink. I took a seat between Francis and Lucile nervously as everyone stared. I must remember that I am here for Alfred, no one else. "I guess this means we won't be going out on Friday?" Lucile asks sadly. I ignored what she said by smiling at Alfred. "I am sure the both of you are excited to get married next week. All of us are here today to support you. That is all we were here for today," I said, making everyone stop making faces.

"Heh.... we are; thank you all for coming today" Alfred smiled. I looked over to Francis, who seemed to be glaring at Lucile, which she was glaring at him as well. They were both acting like children; do they really think fighting is the answer? I never told either of them yes. "Excuse me, I am going to get myself a drink," I said, making both Francis and Lucile stand up quickly. "Allow me!!!" They both said in unison. They looked at each other, annoyed, before running off to get me a drink. What the absolute fuck?!

"Looks like you got a new fan club," Alfred joked.
"I would hardly call it that. They are both acting ridiculous." I shook my head. Yao scooted his chair closer to me before speaking. "Nice knowing that things went as planned; tell me, Arthur, did it hurt him as bad as I thought, do you feel like a total asshole?" Yao looked at me as he whispered. I smiled at him happily. Of course, this made him flinch from confusion. "Actually, I think I am in love with him. I may not have told him since he does have a girlfriend. But I plan to" I looked at him seriously. His face dropped from shock as both Lucile and Francis came back with drinks for me.

Yao went back to his spot while Matthew watched us carefully. I noticed a bit of a suspicious look Yao gave back to Matthew as Yao sat back in his seat. I wonder if he was smart enough to know that Matthew knew what was going on. Francis and Lucile both offered the drinks to me, but I was a bit reluctant to take one of them. They were trying to get me to choose one of them through the drink.

"Who requested this song?" Alfred asked with a lifted brow. There was a song from west side story playing. I have not seen that movie in years. Everyone stopped to look at the DJ and saw one of Kiku's family members had requested the song. "What an odd choice," Kiku laughed out nervously. "Yes....indeed" I laughed out a bit. It was the song "Maria" from the movie West Side Story. It was an odd choice, especially coming from Kiku's side of the family. I looked back to the drinks Francis and Lucile were offering, and I decided to not take either.

I stood up to just get my own drink. As I did this, I could hear Alfred's very loud laughter coming from the table. I was not about to feed into their little game. This was getting a bit annoying, and honestly, I wanted to go home. "Are you okay?" I turned my head to see Kiku's cousin Masaya. "I am fine; no need to worry" I smiled. He nodded at my response as I took a really long time to serve myself something to drink. "Maybe you need to step out for some air."

"I would, but Alfred needs me" I laughed out. He looked back to the table nodding. "Right, you are the American's cousin." Masaya nodded turning back to me. "Yeah, sure" I nodded. He could have at least remembered his name. That was a bit rude. "Nice... they are perfect for each other. I can not wait till they get married," Masaya said in broken English. Wow, never mind, I guess he meant well after all. "I am excited for them as well. Definitely made for one another" I smiled. I finished serving myself a drink.

We both turned to look at the table where I was sitting at. Masaya was smiling so much. "I am very protective of Kiku; knowing that someone else loves him much more and is willing to protect him makes me happy" he looked at me nodding. "Yes, Alfred is a goofball, but he sure does care a whole lot about Kiku. Alfred Would never do anything to hurt him," I added. "That is good," Masaya smiled. We both stood beside each other for a bit until we decided to split our separate ways. It is nice knowing that Kiku's relatives are accepting of Alfred.

I walked back to my seat, seeing Alfred stare at me nervously. "What did he say?" He asked. I smiled a bit, nodding at him. "You are fine. Do not worry," I told him. I sat in my seat with my drink, seeing a very angry Francis and Lucile. "Are the both of you okay?" I asked. "Oh man, you missed it!!!! They totally just challenged each other for your love." Alfred laughed, pointing at them. "Is that true?" I asked angrily. "More or less," they both looked away from me. I really am surrounded by my children.

I breathed in a very tired way. Turning to Yao, I saw he had a small smirk on his face. Like he knew that the longer I waited to say how I felt....the worse the situation would be. I just need to act natural and pretend that nothing is bothering me, at least until this spell is broken. I looked over to Francis, who was talking to Matthew with a massive smile on his face. He was so .... friendly, and I can't make him cry ever again; I need to step up and do something about how I feel finally. Even if he really is trying to play with my feelings.

If you are wondering!!!!! Masaya is aph Osaka. He did not have a human name so I gave him the name of his voice actor. Also.....just to clarify so there is no confusion....just want to emphasis the situation. Arthur thinks Francis is not serious about him.

Basically...... that is why he has not said worries, more to come.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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