Chapter seventeen

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Francis and I have not switched places in a week, and I wonder if Yao has either given up or is trying to mess with us. In the end, he controls us, and I wish I could find that spell he used to see if I could break it, or at least try since it is not likely. "Sorry I am late; there was terrible traffic," Francis breathed out. "No worries, I just got here too," I laughed, handing him his pretzel. We started to walk towards a bench facing the water, but he stopped me. "Do you think he gave up?"

"I honestly do not know, but who knows what he plans for us." I shrugged, looking at the water. "Also, Alfred is hosting a party next week on Wednesday for the wedding that will be in two weeks. Since you are going to the wedding, he wants you are still going, right?" I asked, lifting a brow, and he nodded eagerly. "Good, he reserved you a seat right next to me," I chuckled, looking at him. "That is good" he smiled sweetly at me.

"One more thing, Alfred wants to know if you wanted to bring Antonio and Gilbert too because, and I quote, "the more, the merrier" is what he said" I laughed as Francis shook his head quickly. "What? Why?" I asked, confused. Usually, they go everywhere with each other, so it did seem odd that he would not want to invite him. "Well..... let's just say that they are not too happy that I have been hanging out with you a lot...." he said nervously as I lifted an eyebrow. "Why?" I asked, confused, and he shrugged, standing up.

"Not important, Arthur...Now about I make you dinner again?" Francis held a hand out to me. "Sure thing, buddy," I smiled, standing up myself without taking his hand. "How rude" He started to pout while we walked in the direction of his house. "Arthur, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, as long as it is not stupid" I looked at him seriously as he chuckled nervously. "I am joking; go on now" I smiled, continuing to walk beside him. "Well...Were you still interested in getting into a relationship with someone?" He asked slowly. That was a weird question for him to ask me.

"Ummm yeah, but the situation we are in might make things extremely difficult for me to have a love life. So maybe, I suppose I will wait to get into a serious one. At least till we are certain that Yao is done messing with us," I pointed out, making him smile and nod. "What if they did not care?" He asked, and I looked at him, confused. "Ehhhhhhh? What kind of questions are these?" I made a tsk noise with my mouth as I shook my head, trying to think of an answer.

"I doubt anyone would be too pleased for their significant other to be in this situation. But I still would not, and it would be pointless having to worry when I would switch randomly, even if it might be at the worst time." I looked at him, seeing his happiness fade away. "These are odd you like someone or something?" I asked, feeling my stomach fall weirdly. "Ahhh hahahahah, something like that, I guess."

"I say you just go for it....if they don't care, then do it."
"Wait! You said you wouldn't, though."
"Yeah, ME, if you want to, that is on you."
"Right, right, what if they are difficult to talk to?"
"Difficult? Why on earth?" I looked at him, confused, as he continued to smile at me in an exciting way. "Tell them to stop being difficult; I do not know."
"What if I can not?"
"That is your problem, not mine!!!"
"Hahahahah, are you sure, Arthur?"
"Ehhhh? What are you spouting about...."
"Nothing, let's go eat" Francis pulled me along the walking path to his home.


"Would you like some tea?" Francis asked as I nodded while he took out glass cups for the both of us. "Are you okay?" I asked, watching him pour the tea slowly. "Yes...I have just been thinking about some things as of late," he said nervously. Francis handed me the cup as I slowly brought it to my lips. "Really? Like what?" My vision suddenly got black.

"AHHHHHGG!!!" I heard a scream making me look at Francis, who was in my body. "Oh my goodness!" I said, worried about getting napkins. He had dropped the tea on himself once we switched places so suddenly. "Take off the pants quickly!!! So I do not get burnt," I said, worried seeing him nod quickly. However, his legs were soaked from the tea on the pants. "Damn.....I am sorry, Arthur, and you can take ....well, I can....or do we wait?" He asked, confused, looking at me. "To take a bath? I suppose that would be good, but I have no clothes, and mine is soaked," I explained as he nodded, wiping his legs with some paper towels.

I could already see that his legs were getting sticky. "Well, I guess we could-." My vision went black as I started to feel pain in my legs. "Fuck!!! How were you managing not to scream from this?" I jumped around, getting used to the pain from the burn. "I will take a shower..." I shook my head, looking at my pants. "Sounds good...I will get you a spare set of clothes while you are in there."

"yes, thank you," I said, biting my lip from the stinging sensation on my legs. It felt super sticky and gross, and I knew I needed a shower. " know where it is...I will place some clothes in there while you shower," he explained, making me nod. "Will do" I nodded, walking to the bathroom in a rush. This wasn't very pleasant.

Sorry about the late update.
Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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