Chapter twenty-eight

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"I am outside."
"Yes, I know; I will be right out there."
"Okay then..." I hung up the phone as I did some last-minute touches on my suit. Today was the day; let's see how this goes. I walked out of my house seeing Francis outside waiting for me. He had a big smile on his face as he saw me so dressed up for the wedding. The winter air made me extremely cold, but luckily we would not spend much time outside unless someone wanted to be outside. I sat in the passenger seat as he kept smiling at me.

"What is it?" I asked confused. Francis shrugged his shoulders turning to the road. "I am just happy to see you. I have missed you so much," he started. I felt my face scrunch up in a guilty kind of way. "Really?...." I asked slowly. He nodded happily as he started the engine of the car. It was super cold outside, so I am sure my nose was red. It felt like it probably was as I tried to warm myself up. "Arthur Listen... I know what happened last week was really bad...but maybe we can talk about it?"

I lifted a brow at him curiously. Francis started driving as he continued to talk to me. " What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, you see..... I broke up with Elizabeta.." he said slowly. My eyes widened, making my head turn slowly towards him. He looked serious, really serious. "Why would you do that? I thought you loved her?" I asked. Francis shook his head while driving still. "Not as much as I love you" he smiled sweetly. That was the moment I felt my heart collapse from sadness. It will hurt him more than I realize. "I see..."

"As long as you are happy with your decision, then it is fine," I said, looking away. It was silent after that; we continued to drive in silence. I have to say something. "You look very nice today" I smiled. Francis smiled sweetly as a small blush grew on his cheeks. "That means a lot coming from you" he added with a chuckle. God, he was too nice; how was I supposed to live with myself after today? The rest of the ride was silent again as we finally arrived at the place the wedding ceremony was going to be taking place.

"So glad you made it; he has been freaking out all morning" Matthew looked at me and Francis. We stepped into the rooms Alfred was in, seeing him in a worried state once more. "What is wrong now?" I asked. His head shot up seeing the both of us walk in. "Arthur, you are here, thank god. I am extremely worried; what if Kiku changes his mind?" Alfred cried sadly. "I doubt that will happen, now will you please pull yourself together" I laughed, pulling him to his feet. Francis, Matthew, and I all looked at him in happiness.

"The wedding is about to start, Alfred, you need to be out there already" Masaya walked in, looking at all of us. Especially to Alfred, who was wiping his face from the worried tears. "You got this; we will be in the front" I smiled. Matthew pushed him along as he slowly walked out. "I am so happy for my brother" Matthew smiled, looking at the both of us. "Me too; we should go gets some seats before all of them get taken," I added. They all nodded, agreeing as we started to walk out of the room Alfred had been crying in.

We walked into the hall the wedding would take place and sat together in the first row. The decorations were so beautifully put together, and I can tell Alfred worked hard to make sure everything was perfect. Alfred stood at the end of the aisle nervously fixing his hair multiple times. He looked over at us, and I gave him a thumbs up. "You got this," I mouthed to him. He smiled at all of us, and soon the music started to play. God, this was going to make me highly emotional. Hopefully, I do not cry.


Cheers erupted from all over the hall as Kiku and Alfred shared their first kiss as a married couple. "Please don't cry," Matthew begged as tears fell from his eyes. I chuckled at his reaction, patting his back. However, this only made him sob as Alfred waved at him. "Good job, brother, you've found happiness," Matthew cried, looking at Alfred. "Yeah, He really did," I added, looking to the both of them happily looking at each other, then to everyone else. "If you need to cry, I will be here for comfort," Francis smirked. I laughed, pushing him away from me. "I am good" I smiled.

Alfred and Kiku walked down the aisle and out of the hall to go to their next destination. The reception part of the wedding was for close family and friends. That is where I was going to do it finally. I thought I would ask to talk to him alone, somewhere Yao would be nearby. I looked over to Francis, who was clapping for the newlyweds. I soon felt tears fall down my cheeks as I looked at him. "Are you okay, Arthur?" Francis looked at me, surprised.

"Yes, of course.....I guess the wedding is just getting to me already." I lied, releasing a chuckle. "Oh...okay then," Francis smiled, patting my back gently, in such a loving way. Every second I looked at him, it would be worse for us. "Let's go to the reception now" Matthew looked at me, concerned. "Yes.... definitely" I nodded. I could tell Matthew knew something was not right with me. "Are you okay?" Matthew asked, pulling me along. "Yes, of course," I lied once more. I was wiping the tears from my cheeks. I could not even be honest with him.

I guess this was not the last chapter. But I am sure you can tell the story is about to end. For sure two more chapters or less.....we will see.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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