Chapter five

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~third person pov~
"All you have to do is act like me and bring up the party; simple," Arthur explained, looking to Francis, who kept checking himself out in the mirror. "And I have to wear these grandpa clothes you always wear?" Francis said, fixing his tie. "They are not grandpa clothes, and yes, because if you wear anything, different people will know something is up. Especially Alfred, he notices these things very easily and will start asking too many questions" Arthur pulled back his hair in a ponytail as he placed his hands on his hips.

"That means you have to wear what I wear?" Francis asked, making Arthur nod. "Indeed," Arthur said sadly, looking at himself in the mirror. Arthur tied his hair into a ponytail, as Francis would have done, and untucked his white button-up shirt. "You make me look like a whore!!!" Francis stared, horrified and shocked. "What do you mean? This is how you always look," Arthur defended. "Is that really how you see me?" Francis sat back in his chair, looking at Arthur.

"No, but this is how you look" Arthur looked at him, annoyed. "Whatever, let's go, please. Try your best to act like me," Arthur begged, looking defeated. "Why, of course, my good sir. I will not let you down," Francis said, pretending to hold a teacup to his face. "You are making me seem too British!" Arthur rolled his eyes, walking to the door. "At least loosen up a bit Arthur! They will know it is not me," Francis warned, making Arthur stop in his tracks. "Oh, look at me; I need everyone's attention because I am a narcissist."

"How rude; you are not cute at all."
"Like I am trying to be cute?"
"Well...... just try your best."
"Fine... Hello, my name is Francis; how are you today?"
"I do not sound like a robot!"
"How about this!!!! Hellllooooo, pretty lady, who told you to be so pretty?"
"That was worse, and you are not even confident, try this..." Francis coughed before straightening himself out.
"Mon Cher," he winked, making Arthur turn around quickly to hold in a laugh.

"What kind of bloody shit is this?" Arthur turned around, annoyed. "It is worse since you said it in my body; how terrifying," he added, taking a seat. "Just try it, please," Francis begged, making Arthur groan, annoyed. "Arthur, you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Might I add how wonderful your personality is?" He looked to Francis, who dropped his jaw in shock. "That was way better!!! Except I would not say that to you but replace that name with someone else, and we are good," Francis joked as he opened the front door for them to leave. "Whatever," Arthur sassed.


Arriving at the office together, Yao pulled who he thought was Arthur aside for a bit of talk. "Arthur, What is up with you? Why have you been with Francis lately?" Yao asked, looking at his friend. Francis started to sweat nervously, trying to think of something to say. "Well, we hit it off at the good friend," he added the last part nervously. Francis worried if he was trying too hard. "Hit it off? Like sex?" Yao said, horrified. "no!!!! Of course not! Who would want to have sex with that Briti-." Francis cut himself off before he would have said, British bastard.

"That is good then; Alfred has been waiting for you. He wants to ask how it went. Especially since I told him you passed out drunk beside Francis," Yao laughed, pulling him along by his wrist. "Hey! I heard that you got crazy drunk from Yao!" Alfred laughed as Francis took a seat. "Yes, Indeed, it was how you say in America "pretty sick," haha."

"Dude, are you okay?" Alfred looked at his friend in a confused way. "Yes, of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Francis laughed out nervously as they both stared at him uneasily. "Speaking of the party, I went to get Yao since he was drunk, Yao was spouting Chinese.... and I was wondering if Yao remembered what it was....." Francis asked nervously as they both lifted a brow. "Again, Yao?! You are a crazy one!"

"What can I say, old habits" Yao laughed as Alfred put an arm around him. They both continued to look at their so-called friend in suspicion. This made Francis uncomfortable as he started to shuffle his feet around. "Arthur was right, and they do notice something is off," Francis thought as he kept a smile. "What I said? Hmmmmm, well, before the party, I was reading one of those books you lent me, the magic ones. And I saw this cool one for a body swap" Yao looked to Francis, smiling as his eyes widened.

"Perfect! That was easy," Francis thought as he kept a smile up. "Do you have it?" Francis asked, trying not to get too excited. "Yeah, it is in my bag" Yao lifted a brow as he reached into his bag to grab a book. "Here you go," Yao showed him as Francis quickly took it. "Thanks... I left something in it," Francis laughed, trying to keep his cool. He was very proud that he could achieve his goal so quickly.

"Arthur, I need you to show the new guy around," a co-worker that Francis knew came up. "I will get right on it, daisy," Francis smiled, making all three of them look at him. "Arthur, You seem happy today," Alfred pointed out, making Francis turn to him slowly. "Nonsense, this is how I always am," Francis laughed nervously.

Francis stood up to follow daisy as she led him to a new employee sitting on a waiting chair. "Arthur, this is Ivan. Ivan, this is Arthur," daisy introduced as the two men shook hands. "Pleasure"

"Likewise," Ivan smiled at Arthur.

Thanks for reading so far. ❤️

Also, is it still confusing? I was hoping it isn't 😅😅

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