Chapter twenty-five

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I looked to Alfred, who cleared his throat excited. "Actually, Arthur can go...He was just saying how he was going to stay home" Alfred smirked making both Francis and Lucile look at me. "Hahaha, Alfred can I speak to you for a second?" I asked, standing up. I was trying my best to hold up my smile. However, I was pissed off. Alfred laughed as he followed behind me. "What are you doing? Can't you see the position I am in?" I whispered annoyed. "Well, did say that you did not like Francis, so you might as well try dating someone else."

"I-..... you can't just do that, you stupid twat"
"I just did."
"Tell her you were joking."
", you will have to do that." He laughed walking back to his spot. "Listen Lucile, Alfred was lying, I did not cancel my plans...I am sorry" I looked at her seriously. Lucile made a sad face as Francis turned to us. "No, it is fine; the both of you should spend time together" he looked as if he was trying to force up a smile. "No, we already made plans," I said nervously, kicking him.

"Wow this works out then..... here is my number so we can plan something" she smiled sweetly. Lucile took a pen out of her purse, writing her number on a napkin. "Thanks....." I held out long. Looking back at Francis I saw his smile finally drop. I looked to Matthew, who was looking a bit disappointed in the situation I was in. I want to go home already...I just want to talk to Francis alone some more.  I know he has a girlfriend, but I do not know. I guess, I realized my feelings way too late; who knows if he would feel the same.

The wedding was next Wednesday, which may be an early advantage for me. Considering I might have another chance to talk to Francis. I want to tell him how I feel, even if he does not feel the same way. It is something I want to really get off of my chest so I do not regret anything. Yet this girl had to ask me to go out with her, I hope she doesn't expect me to actually enjoy myself the whole time. I am not in the mood for her; I am in the mood for Francis and talking to him.

"Excuse me for a moment" I nodded. Alfred questionably puckered his lips as he watched me leave. That bastard, this is all his fault. He should have not said anything, even if he thought I was serious about not feeling a certain way about Francis. I stood up from my seat, walking towards the outside gazebo once more. I seriously needed some air and some time to be by myself. My vision suddenly went blank as I stood up quickly.

"Francis? Are you okay?" Kiku asked, looking at me. I was back in the ballroom, great..... I was just trying to leave this place. "Yes...I am fine, I just thought I saw .....a bug" I said slowly looking at Matthew. He gave me a smirk before looking away to his drink. "Hey, did something happen between Arthur and you? He seems off" Alfred looked at me in an interesting way. I chuckled a bit, looking at everyone. Lucile has her eyes set dead on me as if trying to figure me out. In some kind of twisted way. I coughed out a bit, finally answering.

"No, of course not" I smiled.
"Francis are you with anyone?" Lucile asked, making me stop suddenly. "Ahhh yes.... we are pretty serious," I said nervously. Alfred jumped out of his seat, looking horrified. "Seriously, dude? That makes so much sense," he said in a sad tone. "What? Why?" Kiku asked, confused. "Well, because I have been kind of rooting for Arthur and Francis to finally get together...I guess it is no use now" he looked to Kiku. Everyone's mouth dropped from him saying that out loud in front of everyone so nonchalantly. Yao even had this evil grin plastered across his face. "Arthur and you? Wait a minute, he likes guys?" Lucile looked at me, confused.

My vision went blank as I arrived back inside my body. Damn it!!! What if she blows a casket from that? Alfred needs to stop talking. I looked around and was about to run back inside. Until...I saw a message written in twigs. "Let's go out Thursday," it said. I smiled knowing that Francis took the time to quickly write out the message on sticks. That idiot could have just texted me this. Once I snap out of my excitement, I head inside....a bit scared.

I looked to the table and saw Francis looking annoyed at Lucile. "I am back," I laughed nervously. Everyone turned their heads to me in a quick motion. It scared me so much that I nearly felt my stomach leave my was actually that bad. "Arthur, you like guys?" Lucile asked heartbrokenly. "Well....yes?" I said nervously. Francis looked at me with a massive smirk on his face. "Quit looking at him like that, Arthur; I told you I loved you...did that mean nothing to you?" Lucile asked. Everyone nearly choked on their drinks from the statement.

Oh shit, here we go again. I gave myself a facepalm breathing out slowly. "You told him you loved him?" Alfred asked, horrified. "Welcome to the club, now can we just sit down and eat?" Francis asked, making everyone stare at him, shocked. "You What!!!!!!????" Alfred, Kiku, and Yao all said in unison. Matthew, however, was just on his phone drinking soda. Absolutely bored with everything. "Is anyone here who hasn't confessed their love for you?" Alfred asked. "Don't look at me," Kiku said, shaking his head. God, this was getting so annoying.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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